So if a breeder breeds probable clear dogs it is possible to have a affected puppy in that litter?

If sib is "clear" do I need to test brother? -
New photos of MiloQuite a handsome boy you have there.
New Basenji in our Family Tonight!Congrats on your new addition to the family. He is a handsome boy.
What do you make of this breeder.All for profit, you know all those poor dogs aren't living in the breeder's home.
What do you make of this breeder.I came across this breeder when I was googling basenji breeders. I looked for anything that said they were doing health tests but couldn't find any.
They breed basenjis x beagles and call them benjis. They also have alot of other dog breeds which leads me to believe they're a P/M.
Just thought everyone would like to see, here's the link
Hi from WVWelcome from Canada. We had our lil' beast for a week and a half now and its been nothing but eventful, lol. They are nothing like I have ever experienced with puppies b4, they are way better x10. I just wish I would have gotten 2.
How normal is this?I'm doing basic training with my B Lilo also. She only sits when the treat is waved in front of her and she can see it. If she doesn't see the treat she just sniffs around and looks at me as if saying "where's the treat, I know its here somewhere I can smell it" lol. But once she has it in sight, plop, down goes her bottom.
A beautiful trooper goes to the bridgeSorry for your loss.
Lilo's first days with us.Here's a link to my photobucket where I'll be posting new photo's as we go along with our girl Lilo.
My MoSo sorry for your loss.
Puerto Rican Basenji RockyAmazing looking boy you have. They are a very beautiful breed.
STILL at the petstore!I've never bought a puppy from a pet store but I do go to visit and socialize with them, actually my whole family does. We went to see them last Sunday but there was none, we asked what happened to the puppies and we were told that the store wasn't accepting anymore puppies b/c the local vet wasn't accepting anymore patients. Appearently a Vet passed last summer so the only other vet in Terrace was being ovr whelmed with patients that he stopped accepting new ones.
STILL at the petstore!I'm in no way shape or form defending these puppy mills. But I do feel that it is wrong for that puppy at the pet store to suffer. He should be running in the backyard like all our B's do.
STILL at the petstore!There will always be puppy buyers. When Breeders don't return your call or email, the easiest way to attain your puppy is to go to a pet store. So there will always be buyers out there for all breeds. I don't see this matter solved anytime soon. And letting a puppy who had no choice suffer isn't right. Owning a puppymill isn't against the law, so untill the government or ppl of power do something about it this will continue regardless if we like it or not.
STILL at the petstore!I'm sorry but I just can't agree with these "responsible breeders" who think its better to leave a puppy in the store so he can be put to sleep in a month.
If you get a puppy from a pet store you are rescuing him. Not getting him isn't going to stop irresponsible breeders from doing what they've done for decades. If you really think that a dog with champion bloodlines will suit you better go for it, but that dog doesn't have a choice and neither do the other millions in pet stores right now. Saying you won't get him because he's from a mill won't change anything.
I concur, totally. A dog has to be rescued, then rescue the dog. Regardless of where it came from. Its better that a basenji savvy person buy this pup rather then someone with no experience with this breed buying this pup and giving up on him. Most likely the pup will end up in a pound.
Male or Female?I always wanted a male B, but we ended up getting a female and I must say we are nothing but happy with our girl Lilo. She shows so much love to us, especially me. When ever I sit she sits right beside me, and she always has to have body contact. Weather she's laying on me or just sitting against me.
I say get the girl, you won't regret it, I know we certainly don't.
Lilo's first days with us.Hi NIcholas! Yes so cute and calm. Did I mention in the few days before she left she was on the stove 3 times, on the counter at least once, kept climbing out of the xpen with ease. She's a cuddlebug, but man! You are in for a wild ride with the wild child. :)
Cute and calm, yes. They say there is a calm b4 the storm, LOL. I think she's just getting settled, sitting back and checking things out b4 she unleashes the beast. LOL.
We love her very much, and yes it is true wat everyone is saying, they are the best breed. And the cutest as puppies.
Lilo's first days with us.Soooo cute! Is she named Lilo after the Lilo and Stitch?
Yes exactly, she was named after them. We hope in the future we will have a boy that we can call Stitch, to complete the duo. LOL
Lilo's first days with us.Just thought I'd try to download some Photo's of our lil' girl Lilo. Our lil' girl Lilo came to us on April 4th. A big thank you goes out to Arlene Bacon/ Dogo Habari Basenjis. We all fell in love with her at first sight. She loves to run from room to room, she loves to cuddle, she loves to chew on everything, hands, feet, elbows and knee's. Her first morning with us she ran and jumped up to my son and daughter's beds and woke them up with kisses. Did I mention that she LOVES kisses. She sleeps with my wife and I, right between our heads on our pillows.
This is Lilo's first walk with us. Hope you all enjoy these photo's.
Breeding PlansI googled Basenji images and found this lil' cartoon avatar. I thought he might attract a lil' attention. So I decided to use it.