happy brithday!!!!!!!!

Our little boy becomes a MAN! -
Pedipaws - What's your opinion?wow i dont mind cutting my dogs nails with clippers. as sensative as she is to noises i think shed bolt with pedipaws…
she tolerates the cutting nad hand filing (i havnt ever cut to close)
if she gives me the evil eye i just remind her she has to be a good girlf for a bone and she lays there and lets me finish.... she loves a bone to chew... she so smart who woudl guess a dog coudl understnad so many words and phrases? -
No doggy odorthe best thign about my Basneji mix is the very lack of that doggy smell most dogs have. Granted some are worse than others but still….
I love that i can cuddle as close ot my Spijs as i want and i neither she nor my cloths reek of dog.......its so amazing........She is the only dog ihave ever knows that dosnt just have that "smell" and i LOVE it.
i love that my house doesnt smell like "dog"
does any one else notice that?
I really notice odors alot and most peoepl i knwo tha thave pets have a cetain smell in thier house, you smell it the moment you walk in.
Yet another amazing trait ouf our Basenji pals.... these dogs are amazing! -
Happy 1st Birthday Lola!!!how sweet!
Spijs/Spice basenji-lab mixhere is a short photo album of our girl Spijs.
http://s204.photobucket.com/albums/bb54/neretaire/Spice/Her favorite past times are: laying in the sun, playing bite the thing under the blankey, chasing anything alive, killing anythign she can catch, wrestling, wild tug, shopping, going bye bye, hiking, swimming (yes she loves water) climbing trees, slowing kids who sled to fast, giving humans intentse looks becasue they dont understand my range of whistles and noises, listening to whale sounds when im scared.
SHe is a VERY good girl. we have had to do MINIMAL training becasue she seems to inherently understand the rules. Though she is very stubborn and has selective deafness at times.She stays in the yard (usually) she only come son the bed when invited, and she usualy wont touch food or items left out and around without invitation. SHe loves to go on trips. her latest trip was 1 mile under the earth in a coal mine… she loved the train ride despite the loud moises, and quikly passing lights of the mine. Shes very good in the hotels so we take her everywhere dogs are welcome!
when she is bad we walkher to the dog cage in the basment and she hangs her head and tail and mopes in and stays .... thankfully we only have to use the cage a few tiems a year (usualy after chasing a jogger)
Her bite strength is amazing! she destroyed all the "dog proff" toys and chews. So we buy her cow leg bones and a few plush toys....
she is usulyl very gentle with plush toys for the first few weesk but within a few months they are shot!.. She loves to pull the stuffing out of them and sting it all over the floor. ROtten snot!... thankfully she doesnt get onto the tables or climb in the windows. She stays off the counters too! -
Personal introductionMy husband (dutch) and I (american) both love dogs. we grew up with them.
When we lived in holland we often talked about how much we wanted a dog. But we chose not to have one becasue we felt the houses and yards were simply much to small….When we moved to America we bought a nice house in the country on 5 acres of unfenced land. Once we got setteld in we started tlakign about gettign a dog again. we looked at the local pet shops but found the prices a bit high. finaly we went to the local pouns and dog shelters... the shelter was full of old dogs. and tha was a big problem as one of our chidlren was deeply afraid of dogs (any size) so we knew we needed a puppy. One afternoon i drove to the dog pound... i started walking thru, it was full of puppies all bouncing barking yapping... it was abit overwhelming. all very cute but to me quite wild....
as i neared the end i came across a pen with a few puppie smixed together defintly none of them were related and all but onw was frantic for my attention.. this one lone puppy was simply very intent and curiose. no frantic barking nad yapping just astute inspection. i asked to see this puppy.
she took me to a room and then brought the puppy... It circled the room and then come close to me and sniffed...it licked my hands playfull the then layed down and i rubbed its tummy.. it was a very peacefull puppy it woudl wander around the room sniffing hten come back for more tummy rubb... simply the most addorabel puppy i had ever seen.. she seems to instantly understnad tha ti ment her no harm but she was insatiably curiose about everything. I sat ont he floor with her and called my husband and aske dhim to come ot the pound to meet this amazing puppy... he was smitten instantly! she gave him a once over then wallowed in tummy rub heaven... and we simply had to take her home. she was so layed back and so alert and oddly VERY quiet!!!!!!! .... when we filed hte paperwork for her we were told she was a basneji /lab mix which explained her odd silence compared to all the other puppies... AS we had nothing for a dog at home my husband tucked her into his coat and drove her home whiel i went to teh store to get puppy everything! And so starts the story of Spijs, our guardian and compainion. -
Shedding claws !some raw some dry food
a mix of vegetarian formula and sevarl other wiht tuna, chicken carrot,beef
she chews alot so we give her real bones and assorted edibale chews..
her coat is amazingly smooth and soft and glossy so i dont think she is shedding nails becasue of her diet -
Shedding claws !spijs is a 4 year old basenji/lab mix
and she occasionaly sheds her claws!
is this normal?
she is in no pain, no bleeding… i just find a claw shed off now and hten on the carpet(carpet white,claws black)
youd think they were press on nails.... they just shed right off...
she is otheriwse healthy... -
Personal introductionhello we are new to the forum
we are a family of 5 + 1 basenji/lab female
our girl is 4 years old predominately black and very basenji
her name is Spijs (dutch for spice, sounds the same)
and her name fits her perfectly she is a very spicy gal!
today whiel we were away she was unusally rotten
she got under the tree and opened and ate a gift my husband had gotten for me.. a large bar of extra pure dark chocolate!:eek:
thankfully she is fine, thought the vet hospital warned me on what to watch out for. apperntly she ate enough to kill a dog her size…
i think the food and water dish being empty may have helped dillute the chocolate...thankfully she is fine.. we took her for a nice long hike and she is very happily resting here on the bed! (on her gold satin blanket....she spolied, and that a whole other story) Id love to hear stories about your basenjis.,,