=) That sounds much like our place just not nearly as spacious. Well, they appear to have been calmer but they're probably just messing with my mind.

Basenji and Cats Question -
Want #2.. male or female?Really? The females are more snuggly? I was thinking the males were far the more loving dog. Well, when my puppies get older than I guess we'll have to decide if we want a new girl or boy. I think that I would definitely have to stop at three Basenji's for quite a while though for my hands will be quite full.
Basenji and Cats QuestionWe normally put the cat inside our room when the pups are in. A baby gate doesn't work downstairs cuz the pups jump up on the couch and through the stair rails. I've gotten so used to all their energy; I forgot that they will probably calm down a little when they get older or am I just being hopeful?
We had to take the cat to the vet a few times when Pepper was younger because the neighbors dog would tear him up. I know this is part of the reason he's so wary of them, think he'll ever get over the trama of all that. Silly cat only got hurt repeatedly 'cuz he would go and try and chase the neighbors chickens, where the dog was.
Thank you everyone for all the helpful advice. I know so much more about my puppies than I did before.
Basenji's GaloreI'll ask her. She's out of town for two weeks so it could be awhile before I find out. =(
! Guten Tag - from good old Germany !Hello! I really like how your pictures show the different stages of your pups growth. Especially your red.
Should I get two at the same time?I got my boys when they were 4 months old, they're from the same litter, and I have really had no serious trouble with them. They are about 8 months old, and their personalities really keep each other occupied. The reason we got to is cuz we didn't want them to be lonely. It didn't cross my mind that two would be more of a handful than one.
When I get home and greet one the other sits patiently looking up at me waiting his turn for love. Ok, this shows just how pathetically smitten I am over my pups, I try to always make sure that I greet a different boy every time so the other boy doesn't feel like I have a favorite. Wow, what an insight on myself.
Want #2.. male or female?Very well put. :) I'm almost scared to get a female 'cuz i love my laid back boys
Basenji and Cats QuestionAny suggestions to make my cat, Pepper, relax with the boys around. He's an all black fur ball and the pups think that his tail is a toy when I pick him up. He's about 11 years old and growls like a motor boat huddled in a corner when the pups are in, and he spits. I've never seen a cat hissing so much that he begins spitting before. The pups jump away from him at every crescendo in his hiss, but the silly cat just won't relax. They both rushed him at about 4 months and 2 got barely clawed and now respect that big ferocious puffball cat of 6 pounds, but the puffball is freaked by them.
Just found this ForumI guess it could be that. They know that they can get away with more. The problem is they can be tearing up one of my blankets and my husband sits their watching them cuz they are so Adorable. Yet, when they get to something that he really cares about then its a whole 'nother story.
Just found this ForumMy boys hardly ever chew things when I'm home, but if I come home after my husband has been home alone with them I invariable find something chewed. They really do take advantage of him =) I suppose its cuz they realize that treats are a possibility when they're good with me, and he generally doesn't remember to.
Want #2.. male or female?I've noticed that the females tend to be bossier, such as harassing the others around.
"Conquering"Yup. We couldn't figure out what Donge was doing or trying to look at as he circled during Obedience School. That is until he left a circle of poop. Poor guy he really tried to hold it = /
Ah!!! Paper ShreddingYou could say that. =)
Baroos before dinner video!!The one with the piano and the Singing is awesome. I really wish mine would do that. They simply sit in front of the speakers and cock their heads looking between the screen and the speakers.
Basenji's GaloreThat's interesting 'cuz out of the litter my guys were in all 5 pups were tri's. And the next litter was also all tri's. The dam was a red and the sire a tri like I mention earlier. I'm curious as to what the next litter will be. The best part is that my MIL wanted red's not solely tri's.
Hi Hi from AustraliaHello fellow newcomer. He is absolutely gorgeous. Can't wait to see more pictures.
What ho!!!I had never gotten the seatbelt harness 'cuz they seemed like they might be more dangerous for the pup seeing as how the seats in a bar are made for humans. I'm thrilled that they are in fact quite safe. I shall immediately rush to the store and buy two. Luckily the boys have never gotten car sick.
Yes! I am Very Proud of my boys. Donge just figured out how to play with the wind chimes out back. He stands on his hind legs on the porch table and bats the the middle part, and enjoys the chiming he creates. =)
"Conquering"Now that would be amusing, if their hair stood on end whenever they were startled. The mention of a puffer fish brought that image to mind. The only time mine really circle is when they need to go to the restroom and the circle by the door.
Basenji's GaloreChargare's Rasha and Chargare's Busara. So someone commented that the tri gene is recessive but all of the dog's I've seen personally have been tri's regardless of the dam being a red. Is this normal?
What ho!!!Yes, I simply hadn't thought about it though. Which in a way is worse than forgetting. Are the doggy seat belts as safe as the crates?
She's waiting for the blood samples to get there. When they drew the samples they told her that when the samples arrived they would post it and she would continue from there, and that's where she's at right now waiting for them to post that they have arrived.