Thank you all so much for your quick replies! The acetone smell went away last night. He could have been running a fever…I suspect that his incision site is not really healing well. When the vet looked at it not too long ago she said it was fine though, and to just apply neosporin. The problem is, the neosporin only lasts about 3 seconds before Frankie furiously licks it off, and I don't want to keep applying more and have him ingest a bunch of antibiotic ointment. I think he is going to have to go to the vet this week, although I might try some more warm compresses and neosporin over the next few days and see if there is some improvement, since she didn't seem concerned at all the last time she looked at it.
Also, I bought some dual ketone and glucose urine strips last night and he was negative for both, although by the time I was successfully able to get his pee on the stick instead of all over my hand, the acetone smell had vanished. ;)
I know...I'm a paranoid dog mom, but I just don't want anything to happen to him, or for anything to be wrong with him and it go unchecked for any amount of time. Being an untreated T1 Diabetic will wreak havoc on a dog or human body, and from what I read, so will untreated Fanconi.
Anyway, sorry for my looong posts and thanks again for your feedback!