When Sada is finished she kicks with her back legs and grass will fly up in the air. I think she thinks she is covering it or something. And it takes her forever to find a place to go she will have poop coming half way out and she stops because she desides that isn't the place she wants to go. When she is finished doing her thing and I bring her into the house she does the basenji 500 on my furniture. I guess she is happy to relieve herself. CRAZY DOG!!!!

First timer -
Pet InsuranceThank you for the advice. Can I just go online and find these insurance companies?
First timerThank you so much for the information. I have been looking at every web site about basenji's since the day I bought her which will be three years this July. I think Sada thinks I'm crazy walking behind her while she is trying to relieve herself because I probably overdo the strip test. I check her once or twice a month. I don't know what I would do without her she makes my day everyday. I know buying a pet from a pet store is not the correct thing to do but at this point I think I saved her from what could have been a bad situation. I do have one questions and probably a silly one. Does anyones "b" walk around while going potty (poop). Sada will not stay still she walks around in circles. When I clean my backyard my neighbor laughs at me and says I look like I am hunting easter eggs
Winter coatMy dog has a few coat and has boots that she wears in the snow. She has a fleece hoodie and a jean jacket. I now have an IG doggie how hates the cold so I looked on the greyhound sites and found a coat that is made for basenji's and IG's. I forget the site off hand but I will look it up for you and get back to you. It is fleece and has a snooze(neck/head warmer). Great coat and easy to put on.
Basenji in FloridaWelcome!!! I am also new to this forum and so far it is great. Alot of info and friendly people. Like others were saying about your cat. WATCH OUT. I got my basenji as a puppy and she loved, loved, loved my cat. They slept together and everything, now my cat is in our back room with a gate between her and Sada(my basenji) because Sada caught onto furry thing running I need to catch. Sada now has no mercy for my cat and I know will hurt her if caught. It is her instinct. She also loved children when she was younger, now I don't trust her with children. I don't know what happen that she no longer likes children but I know she thinks she is the boss. Good luck with your new bundle of joy and I mean bundle. After a year you won't want to be without your basenji.
I cant take it anymore!I think that Basenji's are not for everyone and they are like having a child for their whole life span. I personally could not imagin having a baby and a Basenji at the same time. Since I have had Sada, I have said that the dog runs my life I don't run hers. I know most people would say this is wrong but I am ok with this. I enjoy my basenji she make my day everyday. It sounds like you have alot on your plate with a new baby and a high energy dog. Don't think you are a failure if you can not keep up with you basenji because they need a lot of attention and excersise. If you do decide not to keep your basenji I do agree with some of the other comments. You should look into the BRAT rescue group. I fostered for them and they are wonderful and dedicated people who will find a good home for you dog. If you do decide to keep your boy, be patient and consistent. When Sada was younger I just excepted and learned to laugh at alot of things she did and she had turned out to be a wonderful dog. GOOD LUCK!!!!
Pet InsuranceWhat do you think the best pet insurance would be. I have 1 Basenji and a IG mix. My Basenji in the first year bit into a battery and was at the vets for about 5 day with burns in her mouth and throat. My IG jumped off my gated deck and broke his leg in two places. I don't even want to tell you how much these bills cost me (more then the dogs). They are still both very inquizative so it would probably be a good idea to get some kind of protection.
First timerHi everyone, my name is Bobbi and I am from East Greenville, PA. I am the proud owner of a female Basenji who my teenage boys say I love more then them sometimes and I think they may be right at times. Miss Sada is my first Basenji who I got as a puppy almost three years ago. I had no clue what a Basenji was but she was so cute and the lady told (pet shop)me every good thing about a Basenji(no bark, no shed,no smell,cat like ect.) but forgot to tell me how naughty these dogs can be. After I brought her home I read up on Basenjis and I thought, OH MY GOD what did I get myself into. Almost three years later and I wouldn't trade her for anything. She is the sweetest dog and a great way to meet people because when we go for walks people are always asking about her. Oh well enough of my long story, I am glad to find this forum to meet and talk to people with Basenjis they are defenitly a different breed.