He stopped doing it so I wonder now if it did have something to do with the storms.
Pooping in the house -
Pooping in the houseWe do live on the East Coast. New York to be exact. Lots of storms lately so its possible that he wouldn’t go outdoors at night if the trees are rustling in tge wind. He is a bit of a fraidy cat. Lol. The behavior lasted for about a week and it was when we had some windy conditions, light thunder and lightning. He found his own little niche to sleep ( on top of the laundry basket). We had some old comforter we put in there and he claimed it.
Pooping in the houseActually my husband did change his food. That’s about the only change that occurred. He is afraid to go out at night so my husband goes out on the deck while both dogs go out and relieve themselves in an area of the backyard that they usually use just for that. Going out in the backyard has never been a problem for him in the past. So, It could be the new dog food.
Pooping in the houseThe back yard is enclosed so no other critters around. Plus we have a 7 year old Schnauzer that goes out all day long. I noticed that he does not like going out in the rain but will follow my Schnauzer for a quick pee pee whenever she runs out. His poop looks normal so he's not sick.
Pooping in the houseMy male 2 yr old Basenji started pooping in house and we find it In the morning so not sure when he relieving himself. We have a doggy door that he can freely use all day and night. But this past month he’s been using our living room floor as his personal toilet. It’s not everyday but often enough. He doesn’t appear to be ill either. Runs around in the backyard like a maniac and then comes in for a siesta. No unusual behavior other than releasing himself in the house when no one is around to see him. my husband and I are retired so one if us is home most of the day. How can I correct this behavior since it is not occurring in front of me?