she is larger than this now and her ears prick up to full bat-dog height now, but I just wanted to show what a cute little monster my half breed is (her mother was a basenji for certain, and I am still guessing on the father's breed– she has a black spotted toungue).
Lucy Fur -
A Texas sized BasenjiHi, my name is Michael, and the pictured mutt is Lucy. She's half basenji for sure, but the other half could be anything from lab to chow (her golden color, black spotted tounge, and silver/gold eyes make the other half hard to distinguish). I recieved her from a basenji's litter in the pound, and she is now 6 months old (more recent pictures comming soon). Because of the fact that she survived distemper and has the natural tendencies of a basenji I gave her a second name, redubing her Lucy Fur– because that is probably who she is in cahoots with. Despite being only half basenji she acts just like one and baroos. Her ears have also pricked up to full bat-like proportions.
Also, out of curiosity, do most basenji enjoy barooing at you and then fleeing under the bed or into a hiding space; only to come out once you stop paying attention to repeat? sidenote: she has figured out how to unzip and destuff my couch cushions.