After a long wait, Oba has finally arrived! She is a 10 month old German Sheperd mix we adopted last week. She is such a sweetheart, and we are totally in love with her already. She loves to cuddle and insists on sleeping in my bed and even trying to push me off the pillow! She has tons of energy and will play all day long. She seems to have settled in very well and is already at home here. We are so happy to finally have her, there are just a couple issues we need to deal with.
She was dropped off a week ago, and for the most part things are going good. When Baroo first saw her he tried to attack her, so I was worried at first. They went for a walk together and he was being a bully, but then we turned them loose in the backyard, and they instantly started chasing each other and running all over. They had a blast and we were all shocked at how well they got along right away. They played all day and wore each other out. It was great! There was one little fight later that day when I gave them both a chew treat. I put Oba in her crate and left Baroo inside. Even though she was in her crate he got very upset because he wanted them both. They calmed down and weren't showing any interest in the treat, so I let Oba out, and then Baroo attacked her and stole her treat. They stopped after I sprayed them both, but we keep having the same issue with the food dishes. He thinks they are both his and won't let her eat out of them unless he wants to. He goes back and forth between dishes even though they are in different areas, and he doesnt seem to care if she eats out of "his" dish, as long as he doesnt want to. Should I let him continue to do this, or make them have seperate dishes and only eat from those?
There are a couple other problems that we are dealing with- I have realized she is more sheperd than basenji, except she has the bad basenji behavior! The main problem was that she barked. A lot. It was very loud, and for no reason. She would even bark at birds or some times nothing at all. That had to stop, so we got her a citronella anti-bark collar, and that has done wonders! She barks 1 time, and that is it. She hates the citronella and there is no more barking!
Other than that, she chews. She is still only 10 months old, so she is still a puppy and I will excuse it most of the time, but she is really bad about it. She can't be trusted out of sight. She makes Baroo look like an angel! We have gotten her more toys and chews, and that helps some, but it is still an issue we have to watch out for.
For the most part Baroo likes her. I can tell he gets very irritated with her though. She wants to play constantly. She doesn't give up until he is really pissed and on the verge of a fight. He comes running to me to hide or keep her away from him. He likes to play, but he loves his naps and relaxation time too. I don't think Oba knows what that is. She is always looking for something to do and plays with her toys or things that she shouldn't all day long. I am hoping she will settle down as she gets more used to things, and as she matures. Its just kinda hard to look at her as a puppy because she is so big, but she is. She weighs about 50 pounds, and she uses it to bully Baroo. I hear him yelping all the time when they play. How can I get her to settle down and leave him alone more? The poor dog needs a break!
We are still stuck on the name issue. We wanted to change it to Sheba, but have since decided against it, and can't come up with anything else we like. It is driving me crazy. The problem for me is that she looks like an Oba, and thats all I see when I look at her, but I hate the name and want to change it, so hopefully soon she will have a new name. Any suggestions? I don't want to confuse her for too much longer.
Sorry this is such a long post, I have been saving it all for a week since I have been too busy watching her to post sooner! Here are a couple pics. They aren't great, but it is hard to catch them holding still!
Her tail curls at the end. It looks like a question mark when it is all the way up. There is no denying those are basenji ears though!

A rare moment when they aren't running

I have to add- the sofa in the background was trashed before, but it is now in pieces. We got a new one and put in the the patio and she was shredding it in no time. Its a good thing it was trash anyway!