I spent about $350 to have my b's teeth cleaned (including anesthia, blood work, etc.) earlier this year. The crazy thing is has been about 5 months and his teeth are already getting bad again! You are right Kananga, we need to make sure we are taking better care of our b's teetht as the last thing I want is to put him under again because of my laziness of not brushing. P.S./ I live in MN

Basenji dental -
Asfa iiI just talked to my friends who have Osiris (and a one year old named Freja) and they are now entering Osiris for the II so you will definitely have competition. Should be fun as long as our Bs all get along :-).
Asfa iiI will let them know. Looking forward to meeting you at the II!
Asfa iiMy oldest, Berkley (Sonbar's Officer Olson) will be running at the II but will be in open as he does not have his FCh yet. Depending on how many points he gets by July will depend on if he runs open or FCh, my guess would be he will be running open come July because I think he still needs 30+ points. My little one who turned a year will be trying it out this year and will probably cert her after a few runs if she is in to it. Will have to see how that goes.
I have a friend though who has a FCh named Osiris and if knows you need competition he will be there as he usually just runs his guy against my boy since there aren't too many b's in MN running; keep me updated. I don't think he is going to the II though.
Asfa iiI will be there with my 2 basenjis. One will be running in open and the other will be there as his cheerleader as this will be her first year running. I am driving down there with my friends who have their Italian Greyhounds entered so looking forward to seeing some b's out there!!
Crystals in the urine sampleI am going through a similiar problem with my one year old. She has calcium oxalate crystals and we noticed it because she would pee just about every two hours and out of no where have accidents. I had all the tests done, put her on antitiotics (no change after that), did a blood work found high white blood cell count and did an xray which showed no signs of stones (yet anyway). Since nothing seemed to be working we did a culture and sensistivity test (again showed nothing) so now I doing the food changing route. I had her on Solid Gold Barking at the Moon, a high protein low carb diet and now have her changed to a grain free lower protein diet, Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream. I also do use 2/3 dry and 1/3 wet plus 2 tbsp of water to make sure she is getting enough water. We have been doing this for a month so I have to bring her urine back in for testing to see if there are any changes. I have noticed she has had less accidents but won't be happy until I see the crystals gone in her urine.
Long story short, I feel your pain!!
Hi from Northern Minnesota!Welcome! Very exited to see another person from MN on here! I am interested to hear where you got him from?
Kyro is very cute!!
Hang'n in the sunGorgeous B!! Thanks for sharing!!
Father and SonI am assuming they are sitting in front of a heater? Just made me smile as I know how much they LOVE that!! :-)
My little NicoleJust seeing the pictures brings me back. Ahh, I have a female tri too! I have to say cherish this stage as they grow up so fast! Thanks so much for sharing!! Love pictures!
Do I belong here?I would say after what you provided he sounds very basenji like and actually reminds me of mine in the pictures you posted (especially one of him eating the bone!). Welcome, love to have you!
Aki and snowThese made me smile! He looks so happy and having so much fun! This is probably my favorite part of this site is seeing all the pictures. Love them!!! Thanks for posting!!
Anyone Else go on Bike Ride Runs with their Basenji?I have always wanted to try this and after hearing everyones posts I think come Spring I will have to do just that. If it was nicer out now I would but living in MN just too cold right now. Great posts and LOVE the pictures Benkura; thanks for sharing!!
FOUND - Female Basenji in MinnesotaYou can always contact my breeder here in MN as she is linked with rescue. She is in North Branch. Her site is http://sonbar.homestead.com/
If I didn't already have my hands full with 2 bs right now I will definintely have taken her on. Thank you so much for contacting us!
Cold Weather GearCheck out Montana Dogwear, If we lived where it really gets cold, I think that is the coat I would get for my fur-kids. They are $50-something, but you can see how well they fit the basenjis in the photo gallery.
That Cloud Chaser looks great, especially for very active dogs.
That is a great site! It is nice to see how they actually fit our dogs and especially that they put a tail knotch in for our little ones :)
Cold Weather GearSince the weather is becoming cooler now in many states and I there have been many posts asking about cold weather gear, I thought I would share what I use as I have spent many hours searching for the "perfect" gear.
Ruff Wear Cloud Chaser Soft Shell Jacket size xsmall (for both my 22# and 17# bs). IMO it is the BEST jacket as it can be used for rain, snow, cold, whatever and fits snuggly to keep them warm.
Muttlukss Fleece Lined Dog boots. For my 22# male I use xsmall for his front and xxsmall for his back paws. For my 17# female I use xxsmall for all four paws.
You can do a search online for the items to find the best price as they can be spendy but well worth it for our furry kids.
We walked around the corner and…......Mine do this exact same thing all the time! It is so cute to see others do it too. My BESt pictures are of them sitting on the steps together looking out the big window.
Alternative to the E-CollarWoofless - the collar looks like it is from www.k9closet.com; she makes very nice ones!
basenji_fan - this is such a brilliant idea! I could have used this a few months back but will remember for next time. Thank you so much for sharing!
Urination problemMy B does the same thing. He will start peeing and not finish and then quickly lick himself. He has done this for years but otherwise seems healthy and very normal. My friend who has a 9 month old b puppy stated hers does this as well so it could be a B thing??
Larz collars and harnessesI have the dual coupler from Larz Gear for my 2 basenjis. The shock absorber works very well and is very comfortable for our use. With that said, the coupler can be a challenge but I mainly use it when I take them places (i.e. the store, over to a friends, etc.) but still use seperate leashes when walking them to do their business as my older B prefers the flexi and having distance between him and the other one when going potty.
I do use the leash with my younger B (on her own) as she is a major puller with squirrels around and it works very well when just walker her (and saves me from all the pulling).
They do have 100% guarantee so if you do decide you don't like it you can return it.