Oh that is good idea. I was thinking of getting one of those dual leads for two dogs and using one clip on her martingale and on the harness.
She is a sneaky little wench!
Oh that is good idea. I was thinking of getting one of those dual leads for two dogs and using one clip on her martingale and on the harness.
She is a sneaky little wench!
I was looking at the Sensible Harness. We have had issues with Athena being able to back out of harnesses. She wanders out of sight and shucks the harness!
Is the Sensible Harness less escapable?
Athena doesn't baroo that often, but it's usually when someone she is excited to see comes home. Or she feels we haven't given her sufficient attention.
She 'grumbles' a lot though, sort of rumbly chat with herself or whoever she is talking to. She had a ball that made noise when it rolled and she chatted back at it 'rrra rrra ya'. Pretty funny.
She makes this real pitiful high squeak when she feels like she has been in her crate too long. Arrr? Arrrr you going to let me out?
Yay, I thought my dog was just mental. She spins, she plays poopie peek-a-boo for what seems like hours. It takes her an age to pick the spot she wants to go in, and I literally pray that nothing interesting happens when she finally does decide to go. I have never seen an animal with so much control over her pooper.
The first time she did hat to my husband he was convinced something was seriously wrong with her.
Heehee, that looks familiar!
Love the look on Nexa's face! "are you Hungry?" Nexa: "well DUH".
Love the piano singer, so mournful. Athena doesn't make a lot of noise unless she thinks she is missing out on something. Then she makes a racket.
Such beautiful dogs!
That is what we have for Athena. It works pretty well. Sometimes she gets extra wiggly and can twist it, so you have to check on them.
Aw Jack is so cute!
Yeah Athena and our terrier, Noah cannot be in the same room if there is food prep going on. He eats in his basement family room area and she eats upstairs in the kitchen. I can't even get their heartworm pills out at the same time without her harassing him.
Athena likes to have a chew now and again. I don't like rawhide as she will swallow pieces of it, the composite 'snack bones' last about a minute, and she has never liked kong toys of any kind. I don't know if its the rubber smell or the texture but she won't touch one.
Right now she has a couple of actual bones that I got from the pet store, I think they are baked and bleached or something. She will chew those for a while.
I was just wondering what other types of chewy toys other basenji owners had tried?
The pea gravel is a great idea. Athena is the same with wet grass, but since we are in the Pacific Northwest she has to face it often! We have an area that has beauty bark on it (we intended to do a planting but didn't get to it) and she will go there if it's wet.
Or on the carport slab if I am not paying attention, LOL. I am going to make her a winter potty area with bark over the summer. Maybe a nice shrubbery and a fountain too. (kidding!)
Oh yes. We were in Barney's clutches for years. I am lucky now as she likes anime a lot, and I enjoy some of the titles as well. We are big Naruto fans, she likes Bleach as well, plus Miyazaki's films.
If Athena had been a boy dog, she would probably have named him Haku or Ashitaka!
Oooh, definitely Genin material! :D
I sometimes think different runs of kibble must taste different. Or the company changes an ingredient source and it doesn't taste right to them. Our cats and dogs were all eating California Natural for quite a while, and really seemed to like it. But about 6 months ago when we brought new bags home no one would touch it. The cats outright refused to eat it, the dog ate it grudgingly.
Since we figured they might know something we didn't, we switched brands. The dogs are getting Timberwolf venison and rice kibbles and seem happy to see the bag come through the door again. The cats are now on prescription food for kidney issues.
Athena is just the opposite. She HATES the smell of lotion, pretty much any kind. To get her going on a tear through the house all I have to do is put on my eucalyptus hand lotion and let her smell it. She snorts and runs full speed around the place.
Basenji seem to be the masters of the non-verbal put down. And I also agree with Basenji Boy's comment, reminds of that bumper sticker: the more I know of people, the better I like my dog.
What is the correct plural of Basenji? 'Basenjis' or 'Basenji'? A Yodel of Besenjis?
I love it! Jazzy is into floral design!
Love the Naruto ninja collar on the second tri, my daughter would be totally into that.
Those tails are so cute!
Athena sleeps in her crate at night, luckily she likes it in there. She has a nice drape around it so it is dark and a puffy bed. During the day she sleeps on the couch, preferably next to someone, or on her garden window perch.
We let the cats have the run of the house at night after spending the day in the back half. They are 13 an 19 and are DONE with dogs. They did their time when they were younger and pretty much refused any interaction with Athena when we brought her home. They consider themselves 'retired' from dog training.
Athena will bark, but she has to work up to it. We have taught her a couple of tricks, one of them being 'Talk'. Every once in a while when you ask her to talk (preferably with a cookie nearby) she will wag and wiggle for a while and then Arf-cough-bark.
Sounds more like a fox bark though, kind of dry.