I completely understand... I have had two adopted basenjis. Applied to BRAT 5 times and never heard back from them. Then I complained and was told I had slipped through the cracks but ... 5 times????? And then I pushed them and sent all my information to them, Vet references, etc. was told I needed a site visit (which could take months to arrange) and that they could not do it without my husband who travels during the week but they could not do it on the weekend. Also the person that was to do the inspection of my home would only do it from 10-3pm. So I could not be considered for foster or adoption as my husband is out of town and did not want to take a vacation day, and they refused to speak to him on the phone. I felt like they were telling me that I was not good enough... I have some very bad feelings toward many of the rescues.
As an owner that has never had a dog that lived less than 15 years most 18-19 I know that I am very capable, we do move every few years but that should not prevent anyone from helping with fostering or adopting. And getting back to potential volunteers and future owners seems to me that it would be just as important.