OMD! That's the biggest bean bag type of pillow I've ever seen. Those pups must be in heaven! Well maybe not heaven. Heaven would mean the main human bed. BUT those pups look like they have a great comfort right there. Great pixs!
Funny pictures -
Dog training walkBeatiful pictures and the air shots are great! What type of camera do you have! I likes alot!!!!
Talker the GrinchThere are no words for these pictures. His face tells it all.
Waiting for the new pup!oh she's a beauty and so intense. Congrats!
Andrew, I know weight gain is a serious issue for all dogs but I'm just wondering why so much more dangerous for a basenji? -
Lucy Videos included!!That second video cracked me up. It's like she has to get into the play bow in order to get her loudest and strongest barrooo out there. Too cute and too funny!
Newwww dog!!She's sooo cute. How could someone leave her outside???
I think in the long run arrangements must be made when two people share a dog. To think of the horrible outcome of this precious pup is heartbreaking. I'm glad your ex was willing to give her up for the good of her. Thank goodness. So many ex's are just angry at the breakup and not thinking of the welfare of the dog. She's precious and should stay that way. :) -
WatchingThat's a perfect spot for Chance!
Oh Me Irish Eyes are SmilingSo very sweet.
Talker Sitting On the CouchThanks everyone. Someone in my office saw these pixs and they said he looks like a person sitting there listening to you.
Our Honey Moon….Those are all great pictures and you sure have one exhausted sleeping pup.
Thanks for sharing!
PatrolingBoth my pups do that! Drives me crazy when I'm walking barefoot and step on pieces of kibble in the living room and dining area. I think it's because they're so nosey they just want to make sure they don't miss anything you might be doing while they're eating.
Talker Sitting On the CouchThis is the way Talker sits on our couch. He looks like he's having a conversation with you. :)
Harness helpSavannah had a harness that did the same thing. I ended up sewing a piece of sock around the strap where it hit her under the arm. It helped a lot.
What my B did while I was at work on FridayCan't wait to see the picture!
Q-Tip obsessionMy two LOVE Q-tips. The minute they hear my husband open up the drawer in the bathroom, they come running! Savannah will even get out of bed when she hears that drawer open. They both stand there begging for them. Every once and awhile he lets them have one. My husband calls them "strawberries". All he has to do is say "Strawberry!" and they come running to him.
Wilys accidentFirst let me get out my YIPEEEEE!!! for Wily and his continued recovery. It sounds like he's making a wonderful comeback. Hurray for all your effort and commitment!!!
NOW FOR THE DALLAS JERK!!!!!!!! I can't believe he had the nerve to call and ask for his money back!!!!!!!! Yeah, if he wants to go down that road…then take him there. IDIOT! Oh but what a lucky idiot he is and it's very kind of you not to force the issue with him. I don't know how I would have handled it but I do know I wouldn't have been as gracious as you and your husband. Dumb Dallas is not thinking.
So glad to hear more news on Wily. Thanks.:)
Mirtillo meets his 'nephew'Oh how funny. I just happened to be looking on YouTube yesterday and watched your video. I love your last pix.
Getting depressedWe have a friend in our Dogster group that just had two puppies born and they live in Australia. Unfortunately they are red/white. I know there is a breeder that lives near by them. I wonder if you all live near each other. Where in Australia do you live? Do you belong to Dogster? I have a group called Basenji Bratz and she belongs to the group. Maybe you two could connect with each other.
My packVery nice. On the fifth pix is that a full basenji. What an interesting face.
Yodels/Baroo….Talker is the talker in our pack. He yodels and barroooos and makes all types of sounds. He will also bark one bark at a time. Sometimes he'll do two in a row.
Savannah never yodels, but she'll give out one warning bark. Its short. She'll whimper when she's happy but she's never yodel.