Seems to be simply behavioral, but I appreciate everyone's advice. I think he had a slight case of separation anxiety and was afraid to be away from us for too long. We have solved it by standing outside with him until he is done. We have a doggy door so he can come and go as he pleases, but it turns out he doesn't like that much freedom or he likes an audience. Either way we have not had the problem again since I posted. Thanks again though!

Poop problem -
Poop problemKeoki, our 8.5 year-old basenji has begun having a strange problem and I am wondering what could be causing it. Within the last week he seems to be dropping one piece of poop about every other day when he is just walking around the house. Sometimes it happens after he has gone outside to do his business and others just at random times. He doesn't even seem to know it is happening. I am concerned that there might be something wrong or it is a nervous behavior or something.
He has done this before when we go on walks and he is really excited and can't make it to "his spot" but now that it is happening at random times and in the house I am not sure of the cause. :confused:
He was at the vet about a month ago and checked out great. Any ideas?
Please deleteOops wrong section.
The Girl from WimaumaI am so happy to hear that both Isis and Kizzie were adopted as were so many of the other Wimauma pups.
Over a year ago, we brought in another b to our home as a playmate for our girl Kona (1.5 year-old). Keoki, male, was 7 at the time. At first he wanted nothing to do with her. It took them a couple months to be comfortable together and at that point he would "tolerate" her with mild annoyance. We had some trouble with growling and snarling, but like everyone says - positive reinforcement and lots of attention. It took a full year for Keoki to adjust to Kona and play with her. Now we can't keep them apart or slow them down!!Sometimes it just takes time and it is so worth it once they bond!!!
Hang in there and congrats on your new addition!!
"Warning" about BsMacPack told us our lives would never be the same with 2 B's. She was right. We can't imagine life without both of them.
Keoki is so in tune with my feelings and emotions. He knows when I need him to come cuddle and when I am sick he places his head on my chest as if he is making sure I am still breathing. This is all from a 7 year old dog that we have had less than one year.
Sorry AT&T the dog….Kona is rebelling against me right now. She spent two weeks with my parents while my husband and I were traveling overseas and now she is doing everything in her power to let me know she is not happy with me. Today she shredded my newspaper - bag and all!
By the way - she is completely spoiled at my parent's house…so maybe she is rebelling because she doesn't want to be home?!?
Where did that Basenji go?Lupin will actually take this leash back and replace it for free. :p
Lupine leashes are the best. Anne - I hope they never come up with a "void if chewed by a basenji" clause. We would be in big trouble.
My parents had the pups one time and Kona chewed through Keoki's leash and my mom said I thought they had a warranty that they couldn't be chewed!! I had to explain that they weren't chew-proof, just that they can be replaced if chewed.
Wild pack of basenjis in rural FloridaAnne - please let us know if anything new develops and we can help. Can't help but wonder if our Kona girl may have been part of this pack before she was picked up by the humane society. We are happy to help rehome to prevent them from being killee.
Just send me an e-mail over the weekend if anything new turns up. I will be in Gainesville but Justin will be home.
Let's just hope they can get these pups some shelter from this weather over the next few days. Also if the puppies they confiscated turn up in a shelter hopefully the Tampa group can band together and make sure we can save them.
Keep us posted.
Sleepy Basenji…Jess,
Keoki loves to lay on the top of our leather couch too, except we don't have it against a wall. We are not sure how he manages to balance himself so well up there, but he does.
She is beautiful, btw.
Taking care of teethAs already noted.. this IMO is one of the best I can use this as a substitute for brushing their teeth all together?
Lilu is here!!!Kona, Thanks for the tip, I will have to try that, my dogs do wake up the minute either somebody stirs or the sun is up..which sometimes can be earlier then you want to get up..
Not sure how you crate your pups, but mine are in separate cages so I put them next to each other and cover both crates with one king sized sheet. This way they can see each other and it lessens any anxiety.
Let me know if it works for you.
Lilu is here!!!Thank you, for a second I felt a little pushed away so to speak, but everything is good. I can't wait to see how she grows and progresses. Already she is going potty outside and she knows sit and down so far. The first few nights were hard for me because i felt horrible for leaving her in a cage at night but she got used to the idea that her cage is her bed and that is where she goes when we all go to bed. She is very energetic but seems to get tired after about 2 hours of play, then she sleeps for another 2 hours and the cycle continues. but just like my boyfriend and I, she sleeps late into the morning which is good :) Love her to pieces!
I have found that Kona and Keoki do much better in their crates when I cover the crate with a thin dark blanket. I am assuming it makes them feel as if they are in a den. They stay quiet and sleeping until I come in and raise the blanket. I can even move around the house early in the morning and take care of some chores without disturbing them. Sometimes my husband forgets to cover them at night and the next morning they wake us up early wanting to get up with the first ray of sunlight.
Congrats on our new baby. She sure is cute!
Taking care of teethWhat kind of toothpaste do you all recommend?
Basenji Safe Miranda/Owner Approved ToysYou might laugh at this, but I discovered that Roo likes to play with the Hard Empty plastic Jars from the Raw almonds we buy at target. He is very happy just to roll that around the room and bat at it with his paws.
Jason, Have you ever put another toy or a treat in the plastic jar?? Kona goes crazy for that - especially if she can get it on the tile. It keeps her busy for a good hour, then she is exhausted!
Happy Halloween!!Happy Halloween from Kona and Keoki.
The only "dressing up" they will stand for are some pumpkin neckties!!
Living in GreeceLast year, we put Kona in her crate while we put up the Christmas tree. While she liked to lay under it she never went after any ornaments and only chewed the branches once or twice when we weren't giving her enough attention. We will see what happens this year with two of them…However, Keoki is so good he probably won't be phased by it!
Good luck is an ongoing process for sure!
We miss our kids!!Well if nothing else, they will be happy to be home because they get to sleep with us. My parents don't let them sleep with them, so I know that will be a happy reason for them to be home…for them and us!
And Janneke, if we had gone anywhere other than Las Vegas I would have brought them with us!! That just didn't seem like a good place for the B's!
We miss our kids!!We are having basenji withdrawals. My parents agreed to watch our B's for us while we went on vacation last week and we don't get them back until Saturday. Twelve days without our kids is just too long!!
They are having a great time being spoiled by Grandma and Papa, but we can't wait for them to come home!
You'd think I'd have learned my lesson too!Shaye's Mom -
That's what I was worried about too with getting a second one, but since we got to do a trial run with Keoki I was able to calm my fears. He is so calm and trustworthy, but he is also 6 years old.
Basenjis and PlasticI actually founs a really cool dogtoy at Walmart of all places. It is a bottle nuudy. Basically a cover in various fabric textures and fuzzy materials that has a plastic water bottle inside of it, so it crinkles and makes all the fun sounds of a waterbottle but it is more fun to chew on, or so at least or schnauzer mix was only 4 bucks..
Kona had one of those but tore it to pieces in less than 5 minutes. I am not sure they are basenji-proof.