my baby really wags her little super curly tail. It looks like a little cinn bun going back and forth.

Tail wagging -
Help me choose?!KiroGurl, if you are talking about the Nature's Domain foods..they are only available at Costco in huge 35lbs bags, here in Houston they are about $26 -$30 depending on what flavor..Salmon is a little more expensive..still cheap though in my opinion. But if you buy one of their bags (or anything else for that matter) and you or your dog end up not liking it..Costco will take it back no questions asked for a full refund.
My pups like both flavors and I oftern mix them together
Here is a link to ND's website was talking about both… I frequent costco .... so ill buy a bag and give it a try. she is sick of her food. THANKS
Missing whiskers– ADVISE?Ella scratched off almost all the whiskers on one side of her face a couple of different times in the first several months that we had her. Eventually, we chalked it up to anxiety. Her transition to our home was quite difficult for her and she had lots of stress-realted behaviors. But the scracthing of the whiskers was definitely one of them.
Is there any new or on-going stress in her life?
Im glad my doggie iant the only one.
I am pregnant. we are moving things (room switches) making room for our first baby. Her nose looks fine other than the fact that she has no whiskers on one side. It does not look irritated at all.
My moms dog had mange, but was not contagious. I'm not sure what kind it was, he had eaten away at his paws till they bleed. My cousins dog didnt have mange, she said it just sratched and they put a cone on and it resolved itself??????
ill still take her in :) thank you everyone!
Missing whiskers– ADVISE?okay– now im a little freaked once you mention cancer!!! My moms dog did have a mange and so did my cousins dog so im hoping thats all it is..... I called and made an appointment.
thanks ladies
Missing whiskers– ADVISE?yes, she has been scratching that side only for like 2 weeks! very strange right? her whiskers are long and normal on one side and almost gone on the other!!!!
I figured i would ask and research on my own first . My B seems to have strange things. one time had a weird bruises in her ear that got me so worried. took her to the vet and paid $90 and then it just cleared up. so now im trying to make sure im not over worrying
Help me choose?!Ive never heard of this food but it sounds quite popular. I would like to buy a 5lb bag to try. which one should i get?
Missing whiskers– ADVISE?for a week or two now my B has scratched off her whiskers on one side of her face. They are there but very short and brittle. I can't see any irritation or marks that make me think its and infection. I tried putting different moisturizers on but they don't seem to help.
I want to take her to the vet, but i feel like they aren't going to have an answer for me and it will cost a bundle. Any ideas? has this happened to you before?
Got a shot today and she keeps crying…i dont know why i ever trust those vets…. its so hard to find a good one!
Got a shot today and she keeps crying…ill call them
Got a shot today and she keeps crying…i took my baby in to a new vet today to get a lymes booster and a dhhp (i think) and he put the shots in both side of her hips (like a little fatty part of her upper back? usually they vet puts a shot in the top of her neck….:confused:
its gotten swollen and she YELPS and cries if i try to pick her up.... the vet said wait until tomorrow and she if shes still crying....
has anyone had this before? is this normal? should i give her Tylenol or something?
Our New Website…how much would a red boy cost from most breeders? whATS THE AVERAGE?
Itchy skinI think there might be somthing to the heat vent thing….
I just turned the heat back on yesterday, and thats when she had the swollen eye.... also, this all started back in december/january/feb when my heater has been on. I just dont know what the problem with the heater would be.... Ill try changing the filter again and go from there. hmmmm
Itchy skinKiro gets hives or bumps right around the inside cornners of her eyes…. some on her forehead and they go right away with benadryl. Ill come home from work, and i cant tell if she had just gotten them from me when i walked in or if they were there before i came home. She only gets them about 1/7 days and if its somthing on me i cant tell! Ill take a picture the next time. Its strange beacuse when shes allergic i tend to be allergic to something as well...we both pop benadrly together!
:confused: -
Itchy skinhey grace! my dog has had weird things going on for about 4 months that are very simaliar to yours…..
tpoday i came home and AGAIN she has welts surrounding her one eye! it has become a weekly occurance and i have tried so many things! not the halo tho! i havent given her anything strange and its just one eye today. i was at work for like 8 hours and i close the doors so i have no idea what the issue is!
if you figure something out let me know, but know that im dealing with the same things.
Itching Basenji!the vet ran a blood test… $137 later.... nothing... she has no idea why she has little bruise like marks in her ear or why she acted erratic or why shes biting at her tail!!!!!!
i came home last night and she had hives and welts on her whole right side (side with the ear) She acted like it hurt her!!!! i gave her a benndryl and it cleared up immed...
now i wonder do i take her in again for a couple hundred dollars more of test or just watch closley???
so many strange symptoms... the ear is very weird looking.. she looked inside and said there was no mites.
Itching Basenji!the more i look into this i think she has ear mites.. its said that they can go on skin and coat too.. and she would be itching her neck back and tail (which she is)
I feel like a terrible mother! she has been shaking her head for month but it wasnt frequent enough to worry me…. I remeber when it became more frequent but i thought i needed to clean her ears... i had the pet smart people clean them but all they did was rub a cotton ball in them for 2 seconds... POOR baby.... no wonder shes erratic! If its not mite then im really lost
Itching Basenji!trying to post pictures..takemn from phone kinda blurry
Itching Basenji!:( im taking kiro to the vet today… on saturday night she was acting erratic... she would lay down and then JUMP up and run up stairs and then back down... seriously scary! she very rarley leaves the room im in, but she would run around like we were playing but not in a "fun" way more like she haerd something scary!!! The she slept not in my bed, not in her bed, but in the closet all night long!!!!!
she was acting scared and whimpering.... i did everything i could to make a calm enviroment and the next morning she was fine!last night i noticed weird bruise like marks in her ear.... but she has been itching alll now im really upset! im waiting for the vet to call me this morning. In her right ear (left in picture) she has tiny purple marks that look like bruises.. no puss, no odor, very strange.. i have notice her scrathing that ear more than the other.
any ideas? her health is always very important to me but with wedding planning and christmas i dont have extra money for random test at the vet!!!! I cant seem to find her symptoms anywhere.....
we ate fish (talapia on monday and tuesday last week and i gave her some of that, i wonder if that was a problem? I have put olive oil in her food twice now.... man :(
I'm so cute!very cute…
Itching Basenji!nobody? nothing? I went home last night ansd she was at it again…. i gave her bennadyl ..... i looked in all her fur again and again and no bites or bumps.
Is dry skin common without dandruff? i hate that she is itchy :( i feel bad telling her to stop itching.