im going to try and get some action agility shots soon ^_^
How many toys do you need?! -
YodelingI know!! All mine ever does is make a crying noise (usually when he is excited) but lately he has started to bark a bit.
But I'm not sure I want Kip to make anymore noise ^_^
Kennelsmost kennals will give you a contact number and you should be able to "inspect" the kennal before you book
i would make sure the exorsize facilities are good and te kennals are not too cramped
Already missing my girls…poor you!! i have to go on holiday in a month or so and Kip has to go in kenels.. but he should be ok… he's a rescue dog!!
Kit is probably fine too
Goober's new friend.awwww they sound sooo cute!
What does your basenji like to rip?My dog is really good with most things but if we leave the house any tissues are shredded everywhere and if we forget to move the TV remote that gets destroyed (we are on the 4th remote now and we have only had him for 7 months)
Obedience classawww! clever El D!!! my B goes to do training and I just moveed up a class but the next stage is off the lead and Kip isn't so goo at that…. unless it's stay/wait they are his best commands :D
Rainy Day IssuesKip doesn't mind the rain at all, he loves the snow! too bad I live in england he might not see it again :( any way back on topic… Kip doesn't like the bath (well no surprise there I don't know a dog that does like the bath) but he loves going and swimming in the pond at the park and he doesn't seem to mind the rain at all
Basenji - the second dumbest dog breedbasenji's arn't dumb!!! it only took me a couple of days to teach Kip to sit lie down and beg! though he only does it if he knows there is a reward :p
Anyways Basenji's are not dumb!
Basenji nightmare at dog trainingSounds like the dog was bored with the obedience and wants to do agility. (whispering It's more fun anyway.)
I`m gonna take him to agility soon but I thought having a bit of control would be good first :)
Basenji nightmare at dog trainingI take Kip (my basenji) to dog training every thursday but because there is a huge waiting list they were trying to move people up to from intermediate (my class) to advanced. For the advanced class you need to work of the lead! dun dun dun!!!
So I let him off the lead and he walked to heal perfectly until he noticed some people at the front with a puppy and he ran of wanting fuss and trying to play with the puppy and when I got near him he ran off to the agility stuff and ran round and round in circles through the tunnel!
I was stood there calling him and just thinking "I think I might have failed :p"
Who said Basenji's weren't exactly the smartest of all dogs :p
Basenji and Larger Dogsi dont have more than 1 dog but on the park kip has always been fine with other larger dogs, though this could be different if its another dog in there territry
Pictures of your Basenji Around your Neckawwwwww, kip never does that but he does climb on my to see out the window a lot :P
New Picturesreally good pics and I have tried to do this before and i do no how hard it is… i didnt get any results at all with my little Basenji
Kip meets the Gerbilswell I've had Kip for around 6 months now and from day one he has been slowly introduced to them and it started just looking though the cage then i would hold them adn let him sniff but i would never leave them unsupervised…
Main point... please know I wouldn't do this if i hadn't been slowly introducing them :)
Louie and Shelby pose with their pack…awwwwwww they are so adorable :p the bandanas are so cute! :D i love dachsunds too :p
Happy 15th Birthdayawwww happy birthday… 15 niether of the cute little dogs look that old they look about half that :p
Drunk Dog!!:p you know that just cuz the dog doesn't like doggie beer, it doesnt meen he wont like people beer :p :D
Meet Bodhi !awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol pic 3 looks like bohdi wants to eat savannahs bone and shes not to happy about it! :p great to see them together :D awww
Drunk Dog!!lol I found a new drink for Kip down at the pet shop :p
by the way…. it's specially made for dogs none alchoholic