Yes, Rocky is my only one and he is so much fun he is sleeping thru the night now and in the daytime is playing quite a bit, he is learning how to fetch now he goes and gets it and brings it back but i have to take it out of his mouth lol
Hi there My puppy is 7 weeks -
Hi there My puppy is 7 weeksThanks I am planning on it for sure.
Hi there My puppy is 7 weeksThank you very much! for the input I am going to take him to a class when he is old enough so he can be around others pups,
I am taking him to the vets this friday to have his puppy shots. :-) I am looking forward to taking him to the class. -
Hi there My puppy is 7 weeksI am in Central, CA I got my puppy from an ad in the paper…....
Hi there My puppy is 7 weeksYes, thats what I thought ,but the owner said it was fine, I really think if I hadn't gotten him he would of not made it, he had ticks, worms and fleas I took him to the vet and they took good care of him and he is good now. The other pup had a problem with his eye, he is a good puppy he is 7 weeks now and is almost potty trained, he doesn't cry at all and is learning how to fetch now he is amazing and yes I am going to get him into the puppy kindergarden when he is alittle older the age is about 10 weeks to start him in that class. He loves to chew on Ice one day I was having a drink pepsi and he came up to me and he was just looking at me so I gave him some Ice so now when I have a drink he runs to me and wants so ice lol he is also on a schedule he goes to sleep when I am ready about 10:30 or 11:00 wakes up at 5:30 right when I am going to work. My bf takes care of him when I am at work.
Hi there My puppy is 7 weeksHi there everyone,
I'm Kimberly from CA
My 7 week old puppy his name is Rocky and he is such a good pup he sleeps thru the night now thank god LOL He is getting there with the potty training but still having some accidents, he is in a crate at night and he tends to fall asleep on my shoulder or under my neck and then I put him to bed in his crate and he goes right to sleep, what I do is when he goes potty I tell him good boy and he gets a treat for going potty and so far its been working… he is a smart little guy I got him at 5wks and he never wined in his crate or anything, when I throw him a ball he goes after it and brings it back to me already lol he is not afraid of other people he likes going for a ride in the car.... I am so lucky to have such a good puppy.....