The Basenjis that we raised in the 70s'-80's would climb over a 4' high plywood gate. Sometimes they would say forget the climb and just stand 2' away and give one push with their back feet and sail right over the gate. We also made a run for them on the back side of the porch with a doggy door enclosed with an 8' high fence. that didn't stop Dandy from still climbing up the fence. Also had to watch when we went outside. Mad Dashes out the Door. Thank God we lived on a Farm!!!
Basenji Determination! -
Gizmo vs One Kibble…Sure shows the ""cat actions" that a b have been described to have. Great show!!!
Why do breeders mix Basenjis with other breeds?These mixed breed dogs are always for sale. I hate that!!! Years ago most people gave away their "Mutts". I will never buy a mixed breed dog. It seems like everyone is out to make money on something that isn't genuine!!!
End the Puppy MillsI have been listening to a lot of the news lately. Wisconsin is finally on the verge of putting a stop to our puppy mills.
I hope this works. please check it out. this is something all states should have
5 AM cravingsThey defiantly work in pairs, the sneaky conniving little devils! Never turn your back on a Basenji. Then they sit with such an innocent look on their face like "he did it".
Pavlov's Dog?Even though I don't have a basenji , but I have a black Lab. He drools every time I take him outside and play catch with him. YUK!! slobber all over the ball, slime city, drool just dripping off his ball.
Coyotes kill adult singer in CanadaThe Coyotes are becoming very brave this year. At a Farm that I work on, the boss' wife was hanging out her laundry and a coyote came out in broad daylight between her and the house. Later that weekend a coyote caught a chicken while my husband was out feeding them. Scarrrrry!!!!!
Video: Husky Dog TalkingJust played that video and LOL. Cody, my black Lab just ignored it
She's vomiting bile in the morning!One of my b's would puke bile because she was nervous. Please make sure there is less tension around her. separation anxiety can have problems also. Check with a GOOD vet!!!
I'm back after a yearI have finally made it back after a year. hope all is well and may you all have happiness with your B's!!:)
The Littlest basenjijust found a great story…..Tell me what you think.
Human history did not record the pawprints made by a faithful little Basenji that followed the Three Wise Men out of Egypt on their quest for the Christ Child. But Basenjis have not forgotten, and the story has passed from mother to pup for two thousand years. Here is the story they tell.
Long ago, as humans reckon time, a new star appeared in the sky. Looking up, we were curious and listened intently in the council chambers of the mighty, for we were an ancient breed even then, companions to the great lords of Egypt. The philosophers and priests told of a prophecy they believed had come to pass: A glorious soul had come to teach love and peace to all living beings. It was decided that three wise and learned men would seek out this beautiful soul and bring him gifts of precious ointments and gold.
Now at this time in Egypt, there lived in the royal household a young Basenji girl who had always sought out the company of learned men. She was gentle, refined and small, and her name was Candle because she brought a glow into everyone's hearts.
The bond between Candle and the man she called master went deep, and when she learned he was to be a member of the expedition, she would not be denied her place at his side. Faithfully she traveled, and the journey was not always easy. They went to a far country, where they finally found the child.
The Wise Men knelt down to give their gifts, but little Candle was suddenly very shy. She could see the glory around the child and the angels about him that the humans seemed not to notice.
But the angels saw Candle and one gently asked, "What is it you want, little one?"
"I, too, would like to bring a gift to the young king," she said, "but I have nothing to offer but love."
"Love is the greatest gift one being can give another,"said the angel.
"In honor of your devotion, we declare your breed shall always wear white to commemorate the pure light in your heart. Through the ages, Basenjis will remember this moment when you bowed down before the child, and will be quick to bow, both in work and play.
"Basenji eyes will be far-seeing and will never lose sight of the stars, just as you never lost sight of the great star in the sky this night. Basenjis will go quietly through the world, just as you came quietly to this place.
"And, little Candle, Basenjis will have a flame of love in their hearts that will never go out, and they will watch over their humans and become guardians of their spirits."
So saying, the angel bent down to pet the littlest Basenji,but Candle was suddenly overwhelmed by the majesty of the angel, and she covered her eyes with her paws. So that is where the angel's touch fell, and that is why all true Basenjis have white on their feet.
-Sally Ann Smith -
Basenji yodelThanks Alex.
Mystical CreaturesI did that last summer, except it was where did you get your basenji?:eek: I hadn't seen one for soooo long, I couldn't believe my eyes when one walked past my apartment. I just got so excited that chills ran down my spine. {can you imagine a 40 something, 200+ lbs. woman running like a little girl?:o } I ran down the hall and flew out the door just to get near her. The woman was from Minnesota and just visiting the town I was living in. :cool:
Basenji yodeldoes anyone know where I can find a recording or sounds on internet of our beloved ones yodel, chorkle, and other "strange sounds" that they make? I have often told people the sounds that they make and most people are ready to send me to the mental ward. Please help…. not sure if this is the right thread to post this but it is worth a try...:eek:
Dandy's disapperanceDandy was the male of our little Basenji family. In Nov. 1976 our house burned down:eek: and we moved 5 miles away from the farm. Dad left Dandy at the farm and we took Teakatu and Missy to the trailer house that we would stay in until we could start rebuilding in the spring. One night, someone pulled up to the barn and untied Dandy and stole Dad's tools and then gas out of the gas barrel. Dandy took off and when Dad went to the farm the next day, he couldn't find our missing B.:confused: Night after night when I would get home from school, I would ask Dad if Dandy came back yet and the answer was always no.:( One night when it was really cold outside, the girls started to act like they wanted to go outside. they would go to the door and then jump on the couch, back and forth like that about three times. Finally we opened the door to let them out and in walked Dandy, just as proud as he could be, with the look of see I knew I would find you.:D
Missing the girlsI found the two main b's that we raised. Little Dandy of Ohdiah {Dandy} and Kingmen Sailors Sunset Rose{Teakatu}. Thank you for the link.
First Time Dog OwnerOk now comes the story about Missy. Missy would destroy things around the house, get into the garbage, chew on socks and underwear. Mom would punish her , tell her she was bad, and Missy would go pout. Mom would have to leave her bedroom door shut for a week or Missy would go in and pee on Mom's side of the bed, but never Dad's side. who was punishing who?:p
Missing the girlswhen i have a house and not an apartment then i would like to get another basenji. I think my present husband and a basenji would get along great. They have pretty much the same attitudes:rolleyes: I think Teakatu was the name we gave her. I think her real name was Rose something. also when i get another b i would have to get two, just to keep the other busy or maybe they will think of things together to get into
First Time Dog Owneryou will find out that you have to do things for your basenji. you are their maids and not their owner.
Missing the girlsI am from southwestern Wisconsin and would like to find decendents of the parents, and to find out how they are.