Kaycee has always played fetch. We didn't teach her, she just did it!
Right from when she was little we would throw a ball or toy, wether it be in the backyard or in the house and she always brings it back right into our hands. I know B's as a rule don't particularly like water but yet again, she goes swimming in the spa with the kids and love chasing the sprinklers out the back during summer. It's her favourite pastime.
Fetch!!! -
Baby boyYeah, fine now. Thanks.
Will send photos as soon as i can. -
Why would anyone need children?I have two kids. A ten yr old and a six yr old. Kaycee truly believes she's a kid as well. Whatever they get up to, she's right in the thick of things. God help me when we get the other baby B.
Poll: Where Does You Basenji Sleep?Kaycee sleeps in my bed. When it's really cold and i can't find her she'll ALWAYS be found on my bed spread eagle in front of the heater. Soon i'll have two sleeping with me. The way things are going i'll end up on the sofa.LOL.
Who did it ????Oh noooo! Don't you love how they just pretend that they didn't know anything about it. Kaycee has done this a few times when i haven't put the tp away. I learnt really really quick to put it right up high.
Baby boyHi kids
Sorry i haven't been around for a while but i was in hospital having day surgery. Then i had school hols. Busy Busy Busy. Anyway, great news. We picked out our new addition a while back, don't know if i told you but he is gorgeous. Went and saw him on Saturday and i can't believe how much he's grown. He's six weeks now. The breeder wants to get his eyes tested at eight weeks then i get him. Can't wait. he's black and white and wev'e decided to name him Bee-Jay(for Basenji junior). Cute 'eh. It turns out that him and Kaycee are actually cousins.
Well, gotta go and feed the family.
Talk to u soon
Hugs to all
Tanya. -
New puppyStill trying to figure out how to send photos. I 've been trying for about three weeks and it's totally doing my head in.LOL.
New puppyPacked up the kids and hubby in the car on the weekend for the three hour round trip to the breeder. We picked out a beautiful baby boy. he's just turned four weeks old. So we're gonna wait a fortnight then go and see him, then two weeks after that, the breeder we'll bring him to us. He's black/white. Little white ankle socks and a half white collar. I think he likes us too. He was giving me loads of little baby kisses. Any suggestions for a name. For us girls r a lot easier than boys and everything i like, Scott screws up his nose.(Typical male. And i'm getting another one??????).I was thinking something maybe egyptian or african, just not sure!
Waiting for picturesHi Pat, how's things?
The breeder is KIPENZI. Your right, she's gonna pick out the most placid male. Kaycee is so laid back and nothing phases her, i want a boy who will be the same. He's black/white. Kaycee is red\white. Turns out that her dad was originally from Kipenzi. He's absolutely beautiful. -
Waiting for picturesof the newest addition to the household. I rang the breeder last night to see how the little newborns are going. Really well she tells me. She's gonna email me some photos today and next weekend are gonna take the one hour drive to go see them, hopefully they'll be old enough for me to pick the one i want. Can't wait. Scott and i are having a little issue at the moment, he wants another girl but after feedback i've had i reckon a little boys the way to go. If i had my way i'd take them all.LOL.;)
In search of the perfect chewOnly about 10 minutes, but she really enjoys them.
In search of the perfect chewI give kaycee a raw chicken wing most days. Sometimes she has a roo tail, though don't know if you can get them where you are.
It,s a signThanks guys
Your support really means a lot. When i figure out how to send photos, i will.
Hugs -
It,s a signjust had a call from a breeder who has black and whites. I got Kaycee out of the paper from some people who had two red/whites and wanted mum to have a litter, then had her sterilised. Turns out that Kaycee's dad is originally from this particular breeder. it's a sign, i'm sure of it. And it turns out that black/whites are fine by me. Gonna go up and see them in a couple of weeks and pick a litle boy. They are only four days old. I can't wait to see them.
Getting depressedThanks guys
As it turns out there's only 4 litters available this year. None of which have tri. iv'e done a lot of thinking and realised that if i want one now then i can't have the colour i want, but in saying that, it's not Kaycee's colour i fell in love with. it was her. -
To youngandtiredI,m sooo sorry to hear about your little girl. I know how it feels to have a pet with major health issues.Didn't mean to imply that my statement was that of grief. It was just a general question wether colour was that important or was i just being silly?
My prayers are with you both. -
Just one of the kidsIt,s sooo true. Whatever the kids do, Kaycee has to get involved. If their playing basketball out the back, then she tries to catch the ball. And on that subject i was told that Basenjis don't fetch. What a load of rubbish. We didn't even have to teach her that one.
If the kids are in the spa, so is she. She watches out for Tylah when she's on the swing set to make sure she doesn't fall. I would trust Kaycee with my kids lives anyday.:) -
What noises does yours make?Kaycee does the occasional howl that only lasts for about five seconds,but thats only when i take the kids to school and even then it's only once in a blue moon. She does cry out when her dad is playing a tad too rough. Wow, i must have the quietest B out there.
The easiest dog to take care of?Before i got Kaycee i didn't know anything about the breed. All i can say to people out there that were like me is Research-Research_Research.From as many different resources as possible.
Getting depressedI,ve been all over the internet for the last few days trying to add another basenji to the family. Unfortunately i really want the tri-colour. Can only find one on the other side of australia, but can't afford to get it flown over.
Pups are becoming available in red/white & black/white. Do you think colour really is that important. Am i just being too fussy?: