Puppy season has begun :) We brought our 8-week old puppy home on Saturday and she's an absolutely perfect puppy during the day. She interacts well with us, has taken to taking naps between my two boys. She goes partly on the pee pee pad and outside when we take her out (we live in Canada and it's cold, she shivers and whimpers when shés outside more than 2 minutes).
At night though it's another story. We have her in her crate on the ground floor ( we sleep on the first floor) and she spends the majority of her time crying, yelling, scratching her crate. Needless to say we are all pretty tired :)
She has a large 36 inch crate and the breeder recommended we set it up with a sleeping area and a pee pee pad so we don't go see her at night at all.
Last night she pooed on the pee pee pad and probably spent all night walking around in it by the state of her paws and the cage.
So now I wonder if we should keep on doing that and we will eventually wear her down(sleeping in her crate is non-négociable) or if I should make her crate smaller, remove the pee pee pas and take her out when she cries... I worry she will keep on crying not to be alone...
Thoughts? Experience to share?