Do you guys think I should get her fixed NOW or wait this heat cycle out? I have always read that spays while in heat are a bit more tricky and therefore, waiting would be best, but never had to make this choice!
Update on our girl… -
Update on our girl…Well, she started bleeding on the 16th and since then, it is slowly tapering off. How long before it's completely finished? I've just never let a girl get old enough to go into heat before having her spayed!
Update on our girl…I'm not sure where to talk about general things, so please move this if it needs to be, mods.
Well, about two or three days after I posted our introduction on this forum, our brand spanking new Basenji girl went…
Yup. Ick. Man, I've never had a dog in heat before- never wanted one, either!
It's made things a bit trickier- she doesn't like wearing britches, she doesn't like being in her crate (she goes- but very relunctantly) and without britches on, I don't want her loose in the house, but I also don't want her out in the yard! ACK!
Anyways, we are surviving though. She is stubborn, but I absolutely cannot fathom why she went through two homes before she ended up in our home! She isn't destructive- well, we haven't tempted fate and left her loose in a room of electronics or anything, but that's common puppy sense. She was supposedly not house trained, but accidents have been few and far between. She is loving- she'll jump on the couch and cuddle. She doesn't really terrorize the cats, she's good with our other dogs.
So anyways, Kanga is doing great. We are waiting for this heat cycle to be complete and then she'll go in to be spayed. Poor little girl- so much happening to her at once! (Yes, I know to be careful so she is not bred by any random stray, but I really would prefer to have her fixed after her heat since she's already in the middle of it).
What did I get myself into?She's puppymill pup, through-and-through. Her registry is ACA- I'm not even sure what that is. I don't think I have her actual 'papers' per se, I'll have to look back through everything, but I know she isn't AKC. So I'm pretty sure her parentage won't help out anyways!
Thanks for the health link- will check it out :)
What did I get myself into?Heh- we know about crate training :) She actually came with her crate and was good in it both times we had her in it (to run out to the store and for bedtime). Thank GOODNESS she isn't a screamer!
Okay, well, off to read the puppy forum! Thanks for the congrats and hope to see ya'll around!
What did I get myself into?Hi Everyone,
Well, I saw a post on Craigslist today for a Basenji and I've always wanted one… Read up on them, researched them, etc. Talked to an excellent breeder a while back, but decided at that point in time, I just wasn't ready to take the plunge...
There was a Basenji on CL and I emailed the owner just to see what the deal was... Found out that her pest control man had called her up about three days prior with a dog that was headed towards the pound- she was told it was an adult Shiba Inu, but turns out to be a 10 month old Basenji.
I decided to drive out and meet the pup, but as soon as I got into the house, the lady said, "Look- I don't want an adoption fee or anything- please, take her." :eek: I am sure the fact that Kanga chewed up her recliner yesterday did NOT help.
This pup looks like she spent the first 6 months of her life at a puppy mill/petstore and then went to her new home for two months and then she ended up at this lady's house for three days. She has no socialization, doesn't know anything about a leash, but she likes kids, is afraid of my cats, and is cuddled up to me on the couch.
Please give me all the advice you have! I know I'm starting at Ground Zero as far as potty training goes, I went and bought chewie todays, she has a crate- it came with her. Any other advice that you wish you knew before you took the plunge?