Hi Jason
I was around way back when you first got Tucker. I'm so very happy to hear that you are all going to better environments. And congrats on your new baby!! I've since had 3 myself ;O) Good luck to you!
Hi Jason
I was around way back when you first got Tucker. I'm so very happy to hear that you are all going to better environments. And congrats on your new baby!! I've since had 3 myself ;O) Good luck to you!
I know it's been a couple of months but we did a full thyroid panel & thankfully it came back normal. As a result of his bad allergies he got a terrible ear infection & we put him on another steroid cycle :(
The vet doesn't want to keep him on this at all….so she suggested putting him on Atopica (Cyclosporine) which basically attacks immune cells & blocks symptom causing effects. I've done some research & some dogs do well after a month & then you can taper to a maintenance level to keep the dog comfortable.
Anyone use this drug??
Funny story Lisa!…
Ahem...basenjis have teeth therefore they can most CERTAINLY gaurd! :D Ask my nanny :D
That's a very sweet welcome!! So happy one of our own is home safe & sound :) I ditto the sentiments of the others with much much gratitude for both of your sacrifices. Here's hoping he can stay home for good :D
WTG Arlene!!! Great job :D
We LOVE playing this game with our dogs…I can get Topaz to do a little Baroooo when she finds me :D lol lol silly dogs!
Ditto! My girl never lfts her leg either & she's 5yo now. She squats like any other respectable woman :D
Yes B's don't do floors! :D :D Love the pics.
These are FANTASTIC pics!!! I love it!! And where do they have this great open space that they can play off leash for what seems like FOREVER :D I love to see happy 'senjis :D:D
I'm ROFL hysterically!!!! I can relate to the love of dead road kill EEWW!! But the "Corn Dog" LOL LOL LOL
Poor little Tater :( I have to give C3 most of his pills too (he's usually the one getting sick) but I try to give it to them with a slice of cheese or bacon :D or something I made for dinner but not during feeding. They both hate pills so I try to make it a special as possible. Hang in there!
SO Monday afternoon I had to rush back home b/c the kids' nanny calls me to tell me C3 is whining & scratching like a maniac. When I get home I let him out into the yard & after he comes back in about 30 min or so later he starts breaking out in horrible hives! I called the vet asap & took him in. She gave him a shot of benadryl (if I had known I could've given hm this at home) but in the evening after the shot wore off he started whining & scratching again all night long. Poor guy did not get a WINK of sleep & neither did I for that matter. The next morning DH brought him back after his walk & hives again so I gave him the benadryl but it wasn't working SO back to the vet & he had to get some hydroxizine (sp?) & that finally helped but wiped him out & slept for most of the day. He had to go back on the steroids & antibiotics since he did a NUMBER on himself he scratched so bad he bruised his skin in some areas & scabs in others….uugghh it was awful!
I don't think it's the food since we changed his diet about a year ago when this stuff started poppin up. We now have to rotate foods so he doesn't become sensitive to a new food item. If that happens,I'll have to feed him AIR!! We had blood drawn on Tuesday to check his levels so we'll see what the results come back.
Hi everyone
My little guy C3PO suffers from all kinds of allergies & in the spring he's reactive to most outside elements. We usually put him on a cycle of benadryl & if that doesn't cut it he goes on the heavy stuff steroids. Then it goes away & he's ok the rest of the summer.
This year it hasn't happened like this. He's still itching & turning red/pink all over even after we've weaned him off the steroids. I don't want to put him back on another cycle but he seems so miserable :(:( He's chewing on his paws licking his underside like crazy & scratching to the point where he's got scabs. I've tried the hydrocortisone sprays & baths but it's not really helping much at all.
Do any of you breeder vets have any experience with a dog that has allergies this bad?? Any suggestions??
AHA…yes the sleeping thing. Well the girls don't sleep anywhere near the dogs. They sleep in their cribs & the dogs aren't allowed in the nursery/playroom.
And the dogs usually can't sleep when the babies are around...so that takes care of that :D :D lol!
If the food thrown overboard is within paw's reach they'll go for it but usually they're not allowed around the highchairs. BUT the consolation prize is that once we're out of the kitchen they are FREE to help mommy clean up floor, chairs, trays, etc. LOL :D
This works much better then our Swiffer :)
Ditto Andrea
I have a couple of 12 month olds roaming the house too. We did it slowly for MY sake. I know my female was having anxiety with the new arrivals so I decided to ease her into it. I did short intervals of time with the dogs/babies in the same room 10-15minutes a day & worked our way up. Set up the dogs/babies for success. Don't try to multi-task during this "socialization" time :) (for lack of a better term). Focus on the dogs behavior & keep an eye our for cues of stress.
Teach "Leave it" or "back" (that's what I use) when they lick or want to mess with the baby. Smelling is ok as long as they walk away after a few seconds and reward reward reward the good behavior.
I also did things to de-sensitize the dogs that I know my girls will eventual do like pull on ears/tails/take the dogs' toys/etc. & reward for good behavior (no growling/yelling/etc.).
There's also rules in our house:
Don't bother dogs while eating
Don't bother babies while eating
Don't bother mommy/daddy while eating (this one is for dogs AND babies)
Dogs are not allowed to play with babies' toys EVER
Dogs are to walk away from any baby items floor (typically things thrown from high chair including bibs/plates/spoons/shoes/socks/etc.)
Hi all..I'm an oldy around here but I haven't been on in a long time. Kids, dogs, work, etc. don't leave much time to post. But today something happened & I thought this would be a good place to share.
I've had my Bs for about 3yrs now. With lots of advice & help from this forum I committed to training our dogs to ensure their happy & safe lives. Once we had our twins it became even more important that our Bs got enough exercise, discipline, & training. We went back to doggy school several times (I lost count after 8 :eek:)And it has really paid off in many ways like today.
Today during our usual morning walk for both exercise & potty there was a lose dog in the nabe running a muck! To say the least. The owner was very laid back about it. Just chasing the dog block after block. I spotted him a few blocks before w/his dog lunging at everyone/everything while on leash. I don't know how he got lose but he did. I quickly got my dogs to sit (I ALWAYS carry treats w/me for situations just like this) & watch me. The silly dog was in the street barking running all over. I kept close eye on my 2 and then focused on him.
He tried to pounce on us when I quickly turned around took a couple of steps towards him & yelled "HEY! SHHH!" The dog quickly stopped in tracks. I turned back to my dogs & gave more treats. I threw a few treats over to the strange dog until his owner could catch up to grab. Then the guy got the lecture of his life from me! ;)
You see it's not enough to just decide to be a dog owner. It takes commitment to continue to train, exercise, & discipline your dog every single day the dog lives with you. Yes, it's hard. Don't get me wrong, most days I wonder how I can put them in a FEDEX box & send them express to nowhere. :D j/k But WE made the choice to have them live with us not them. I've taken countless classes & read piles of books to help understand them & improve our relationship. Some days are better then others. And after 3 yrs with our dogs I think we've come a looooong way.
So if you're new to this B-thing :) pretty please train your dog, teach your dog, discipline your dog, & exercise your dog. Listen to the advice of the veterans here, many of whom have been owners/breeders for decades. They KNOW from experience. And don't sell short any good positive training. It DOES work…eventually :D
Andrea I'm so so sorry for you & your family's loss. I can't believe little Luna is gone. It's just too much to bear for such a young dog. My heart goes out to you. HUGS HUGS from all of us.
My dogs were very "clingy" when I was pregnant & the same with Tayda when she stayed with us one weekend. :)
Great on the good news!! :) And we'll just have to keep prayin on the not so good news :( I'm so glad little Tater is handling it well. Poor Lenny that has to be away from his partner during these visits.
By the way thanks for the pillow tip ;) I can't tell you how much $$ I've spent on dog beds :eek:
Just HAD to add…no shedding?? um not always!
When my two basenjis blow coat (at least 2x a year) the hair is just unbearable! I'm constantly vacuuming up little tiny B-hairs on the couch, rug, tables, counters etc. etc.
Good luck to you :)