My 8 month old basenji has suddenly developed a big red and angry looking lump where his outie belly button was….the vet was entirely flabbergasted because she said this usually only crops up when they are much younger and they can fix the hernia during the neutering....but since it appeared later, we would have to find a different way to cover the cost of the anesthesia to get it fixed.....I don't know much about all of his and I can't tell if my vet is just trying to get extra $ from me or if this is a legitimate problem we need to fix. He doesn't act like it hurts or bothers him one bit. It is about the size of a small grape, red, and hard. She put him on antibiotics to see if that would clear it up first if there is just some kind of infection. If it is an umbilical hernia, will something bad happen if left unattended?