I guess what I meant by my statement is that the dogs that are most frequently used are the ones that are in the Top 10 or are well known either because of the winning or their owners' advertising. Many of the Popular Sires that you listed may not have been "big winners", but they have been heavily advertised.
I am not saying that Popular Sires are not nice dogs, what I am saying is that other dogs who may also be nice dogs and good producers don't get heavily used because their owners aren't out their campaigning or advertising them. Being a really nice dog really doesn't get you that far as a Popular Sire, IMO, if that dog is not being put out there in the public eye either through advertising or wins.
I also don't think it is good for the breed to have popular sires. I think far too many dogs are being overused and are over represented in our genepool. We are losing distinct lines and losing diversity and options in the future by overusing the same dogs.
I agree :)