Thanks for all the input….I will be calling the vet later on this afternoon. He does eat quickly when he actually eats but we have a puzzle bowl which I thought helped with the scarfing. Thanks again everyone

Not Eating -
Not EatingWe just went to the vet and he said everthing seems fine. The food is not old. We feed him Natural Balance LID cause Tupper is allergic to grain. We have tried even changing the flavor of it. Do you give your B's any ice cubes? I really feel it's heat related because on less humid days he will eat. We live in NY and it's been a very hot and humid summer. I don't remember having this problem with him last summer but then again it wasn't as humid last year. He still runs and plays and acts the same so always.
Not EatingHi everyone,
So normally we have no problems with Tupper eating but recently he won't eat. Ever since it started to get really warm and humid he doesn't eat. I don't know if this is a coincidence or that it's heat related. We feed him in the morning and then again at dinner. He doesn't even touch the morning food and has a few bites at dinner. Sometimes he will go 24 hours without eating and then he'll eat and then throw it up. Does anyone have the same problem or know what I should do to prevent this from happening? I'm just worried he is not getting the proper nutrition. Once or twice a week we will put sweet potato or squash in the food and he will eat it but I was told not to do that to much or he will not eat plan dry food. Any ideas??
Ellen and Jimmy -
Anyone know if Blue Buffalo changed their formula? Digestive problems?I used to feed Tupper Blue Buffalo but he never seemed to get used to it, even after months of trying. I switched to Natural Balance and it was an immediate difference in his poops. We have also experienced the throwing up after meals from a new bag of food. These little B's are just so sensitive. It seems like raw would be a great option for you, I only know what I have read here on the forum, but seems to be a great alternative.
Mealtime BehaviorI agree squirt bottle works great, and they learn to respect it. We feed Tupper when we eat. That way he is engaged for the first five minutes of our meal.
HowdyWelcome, hope you enjoy. There is a ton of info on these pages, just put your ? in the search field.
Where's AJ #18Sorry I was taking the clue to literally. Just using my own brain power and not Google, I knew there isn't a baseball team. So I was figuring NFL and MLB. Then after a searching I saw the list of teams. I love games and puzzles.
Where's AJ #18Anyone want to go to Levan?
Where's AJ #18Some clues are leading me to Salt Lake City, Utah. That is what comes to mind first, but all of the clues don't fit.
Dog,cat,gazelle,mountain goat?Welcome to the forum, it is great how many people from all around the world come here.
Pumpkin for DogsI also use squash…..butternut or acorn. It seems to work just as well as sweet potato and pumpkin for Tupper
Do your male basenjis squat to pee?Tupper does both while peeing. Glad to hear that he isn't the only one that walks while he poops! What is with that?
Hang'n in the sunTupper took a spot on the floor because the sun was no longer shining on the back of the sofa.
Long Island Basenjis?I belong to a Meet-up group for Basenjis in NYC, but live on Long Island. Most of the people in the group live in NYC. Are there any Basenji slaves on Long Island? I live on the south shore of Nassau, but am willing to drive. I already go to Manhattan to meet people:)
Nicole is home!Absolutely beautiful, reminds me of last year when we first got Tupper. Be careful don't let her fool you.
Human TrainingThat is great! I am hoping to get Tupper to go biking with me once all the snow and salt is gone.
Camping!I have done lots of camping. I've only gone camping with Tupper once, and will be going again for a week in June. He did ok, it was difficult to tire him out, lots of rain, not much hiking. We had him tied up to a 30 ft. cable. Next time we'll be using a 100 ft. run that can be attached between two trees, this way the leash / cable / rope doesn't get in the way or tangled around things. We took him out on the kayak a few times to little islands for him to run around on. He wasn't a big fan of the ride over, but loved running around free for an hour or two. Sleeping in the tent wasn't bad once he settled down after 10 - 15 minutes. Please be careful with the fire and your dog getting to close, they love it, but it is very dangerous. Snaping wood and flying embers can land on them. Also make sure the the bedding or blanket you are using isn't synthetic. The stuff melts, wool or cotton are better choices. Good luck!
What to chewDoes anyone know anything about pig femur's? The reason I ask is Tupper had a pig femur and started getting pieces off of it and we felt we needed to take it away. He just got neutered a couple days ago and we are trying to find him things to chew so he doesn't lick. We tried the e-collar but he can get it off. I think my biggest worry is that he is upset and I want to make him a little happier.
What to chewI need some advice, the more I read, the more I see that cooked bones are bad for dogs, I need something for tupper to chew on. He has nylabones but doesn't really like them. I also give him bully sticks, those he LOVES but he eats them so quickly. Does anyone have an idea of what I can give him to chew that will last longer then an hour?
Tail chasingSo I'm glad to hear it's normal. Thanks for making me feel better about it.