Thanks for the replies! Our B has been great with the Dogwatch invisible fence. However, We have taken a proactive stance and changed the boundaries so her curb access is diminished. The neighbors dog was on a leash but unfortunately lurched 4' into our yard out of the hands of the elder walker. :(. Tyllie (our B) went to puppy socialization class 2 sessions but she was never keen there either. She liked some and not others. I love this forum and again- very thankful for your help and suggestions. Tyllie loves people and she is a funny and loving B. B's are certainly peculiar and I have loved being entertained by her. Thanks again.
Aggression toward small dogs -
Aggression toward small dogsThank you so much for your thoughts. We have an invisible fence and it has worked wonderfully thus far. She was inside her fence yesterday. She has a couple of bigger dogs that come to play often and they have a great time. The occurrence yesterday was same sex. I hope there will not be "a next time". I will make the perimeter of the fence a few more feet closer to the house and keep her inside more often.
Aggression toward small dogsOur Basenji (2 1/2 years) shows aggression towards smaller dogs. Yesterday, a miniature poodle came into our yard and she bit it 3 times puncturing the skin and hurting it. She has attacked before when she was off leash. She plays fine with larger dogs but she HATES small ones. Does anyone have advice on how to correct this behavior. She went to puppy school and was in obedience training for the first year of her life. She is a great dog but I cannot tolerate this behavior. The owner of the poodle that came on our property says that she is a danger to the community and should not be outside. Please help me if you can!
Basenji on a farmNemo- I thank you for your honest response! in other words, their love for hunting is so extreme that they forget their surroundings or anything except the chase! including their way back home! Definitely not worth the risk! Are ex-pens easily available?
Basenji on a farmI would be at the farm all day! I can't imagine her being happy on a leash most of the day. Is she likely to run away and is their a way to teach them to stay on the property without fencing? Any thoughts?
Basenji on a farmThere are no fences for dogs- only 3 board rail for the horses. I have a home on the farm and there is a doggie door from dear dogs from my past- a dalmatian and two Jack Russel's. They roamed freely and never had problems with the horses or sticking around! Of course, they were raised on the farm and other than puppy school and dog obedience, they never needed a leash.
If the consensus is "not advised" than- has anyone used a yard stake and long line so their dog can be outside most of the day? -
Basenji on a farmI am wondering- does any Basenji owner live on a farm? My daughter and I are going to a farm in VA for the summer and I was hoping Tyllie could have freedom off the leash- Has anyone had a basenji on a farm? The farm is 55 acres and it is a horse farm!
Itchy skinDo you have hot air vents on the floor? Did your last Basenji or present puppy have welts all over their body? Our puppy was extreme!! Her swollen eye disappeared when the body welts appeared. It was like a demon running through her body! The progression was very strange!!!
I think they develop dry skin! Our puppy will lay on the vent constantly- I don't think the filters will change the reaction! I am now using Halo dreamcoat as a food additive (the pet store said oil should be in all dog's diets) and I limit her heater exposure! Your pup is very cute and she looks exactly like ours!!!
Itchy skinWe are having the same problem with our new puppy, we don't think it's the food because we kept her on the same food that the breeder was giving her. We had the same problem with our last Basenji every spring and fall. I suppose she may have been bitten without us knowing but we think there may be something else in the environment, either in the house or outside.
Do you have hot air vents on the floor? Did your last Basenji or present puppy have welts all over their body? Our puppy was extreme!! Her swollen eye disappeared when the body welts appeared. It was like a demon running through her body! The progression was very strange!!!
Itchy skinI think that our puppy probably suffered from "dry skin"! Nothing else makes any sense! She also has flaked and had dry patches in the weeks following her sickness. She often lays on the floor vents of the heater- I have added "halo dreamcoat" to her diet- it is a food additive for healthy coats- I am hoping her reaction will not return- it was truly awfull!!! Is your puppy exposed to hot air vents? I am curious!!! Your puppy looks like ours!!! 4 mos old!
Last night was awful…Tyllie was much better after going to the vet and getting the iv drip of cortizone. I am still treating her with prenazone and benydryl. She still has a tiny bit of raised hair in the morning. It is amazing that the pre-sickness wild mouthy puppy has not returned. She is more loving and trusting and easier- loving to be cuddled. For this I am thankful!! Thanks for everyone's thoughts and advice- I was really scared to see our puppy in so much pain!! I have concluded that her reaction was due to dry skin! I have added the Halo Dreamcoat to her diet in hopes that this "mad cow" painful sickness never returns. Thanks again to all!!
Last night was awful…Wow- I love this forum! THanks for your advice! I love that others have experienced the same odd symptoms- Tyllie has not had any shots for the last 3 weeks but someone did give her a piece of bacon and fed her some "kennel food" Thursday night! The vet thought it hard to believe that it could be the culprit! I am not so sure after reading the posts! I have NEVER seen welts as bad as these! She is no longer crying in pain and her appetite has somewhat returned! However, the 1/2 benadryl is given every 4-6 hrs! I will keep everyone updated on her condition- Thanks for all!
Itchy skinThanks Tanza for your help! The friend also gave her a piece of bacon which may have been the culprit! Her welts are still really bad but benydryl and the iv have helped her to sleep. I hope it is over soon!
Last night was awful…How long did the reaction last? Without Benadryl, she is in pain, cries and goes from wild to unsettled relaxation! Thanks for your help and advice!
Itchy skinI feed her Blue- However, she was at a friends for a few hours Thursday night and he fed her something different- I have called to find out the contents- I will let you know! THe vet did not think it was a food allergy due to the severity of her welts (all over her body)! Is it possible that it is dry skin and needs Dream Coat by Halo?
Last night was awful…Oh my gosh- I have a puppy that is broken out in hives and your story sounds like the night we had! I am unnerved and so is she. What was your final outcome? My vet gave prenizone and gave her and iv drip of cortizone. We live in the Midwest and it is winter. She had a different type of food- kennel food- the night before and a piece of bacon- could this be the problem? More importantly- when will it go away?
Itchy skinok- i really need help! My puppy Tyllie woke up yesterday with a swollen eye and her vulva was swollen and pink! I gave her 1/2 of a Benadryl and she slept. By 7:00 pm, her whole body had hives. She began crying and rolling and rubbed her body against the carpet to relieve the itchiness. It produced more welts- We gave her more benadryl and we had a tough night with her sleeping as best she could next to us but waking often in crying distress. I took her to the vet this am. She could not determine the cause but she gave her a cortizone iv and she said to proceed with benadryl and prenazone beginning tomorrow. I have tried to figure the cause of this and I cannot. Anyone else have an experience with this?
New Basenji puupy owner in ILI have never been to a dog show but I am going to try to come. What is benching?
New Basenji puupy owner in ILYou should come to the IKC show. It is the 25th-28th I think, and it is at McCormick Place.
Clay (Nemo) and Zoni are entered Sat the 27th, and I will be there to watch, and Sun the 28th there will be a meet the breeds booth, where Aries and I will be volunteering.-Nicole
I will put it on the calendar- What division will you show Clay and Zoni? Are they both Basenji's - if not, what breed? Thanks so much for your information!!
New Basenji puupy owner in ILOut of curiosity, did your son say why he chose a basenji as the breed of dog for the Christmas present? It's not your more typical or easy to find breed of dog.
I do not know why my son chose the Basenji. He has allergies and I think he googled Hypo-allergenic dog! I found someone in our neighborhood that has an older Basenji! She is very interesting and unlike any breed I have ever owned. Funny- although she enjoys sitting with you, she does not crave it and is happy being by herself sitting in the sun. She is too young to leave unattended and I find that I need to crate her often because she is not content playing in the same vicinity as I.