Ozzie and Lacie had the same type of issue when we first got them from rescue. Eventually we switched them over from Nutro Sensitive Stomach to Eagle pack and fixed the problem. They still get it rarely and feeding them rice with a little bit of kibble or chicken for a day or two will clear up the problem.
Poo Problem -
Does your B do this!!!If I could lick my private parts I'd do it for way more than 10 minutes.
:D :D :D hahaha that made me laugh really hard, especially the reply:)
June Fun Match in MarylandGoldenfri I didn't know it was YOU :eek: :eek: I have pics of you & your little ones winning!! I was the one taking pics of the winners :D So glad you came..did you see Sweet Shelby??? What sweet & well behaved dogs :eek: & his curly tail was just too cute on such a large dog!
Oh cool, can you post up the pictures? :) It was really cool to see so many basenjis in one place. I was a little worried about how my guys would react because they tend to be weird and aggressive towards other basenjis, but they were great. Very well behaved and no problems. :D
I wish I had more pictures, but I was having so much fun I totally forgot to take them. :eek:
June Fun Match in MarylandWe had a great time, Ozzie won first in Best trick, but using his whole arsenal of tricks: sit, lay down, shake and jump :) he also won first place in the musical sit game (I forget what they called it), he got 2nd place in curliest tail and I think it was 3rd in best neck. Lacie did well also, if I remember correctly she got First place in best bridle coat, 2nd or 3rd in best eyes and 2nd in best tail waggle. I'm just going from memory so forgive me if I mixed some up.
June Fun Match in MarylandOzzie and Lacie will be there, my fiance and I are going as well as her mom who is bringing her two Itchy and Dubs. This is my first basenji fun day. I can't wait :)
Ozzie and Lacie settling right inJust thought I would add a few more of Lacie for those that asked to see her coloring better :)
Ozzie being a goober
At the Dog park
Food SuggestionsWe have had great luck with the eagle pack dog food, the chicken one specifically. Bs would have poo problems once every week or two on Nutro sensitive stomach when we first got them, until we switched them over and no problems since. It can be pretty hard to find, and it is indeed more dense with less fillers so we don't have to feed them quite as much.
Has anyone heard of Blue Buffalo Dog food?I have recently been switching my guys from Nutro sensitive stomach to Eagle Pack Holistic Select Chicken Meal & Rice Formula due to digestion problems. So far so good.
Nutered and hates the Non nutered?!!??As for your dog's response to unneutered males, I agree with Andrea that your dog is probably picking up on subtle body language that you may not be aware of. Basenjis expect very particular and appropriate language from other dogs. If you watch basenjis interact with each other there are definate social rules that they expect to be followed. I see many dogs that behave rudely and whose owners are clueless about how rude their dog's behavior is in dog language. Running directly up to another dog is rude behavior, appropriate behavior would be to approach on a curve. And yet many owners have dogs that run straight up on other dogs and then are surprised that their dogs are greeted with aggression by the dog that was so rudely approached.
You make a good point here. I take mine to the dog park and they are very well behaved but will let another dog know when it is being rude or invading their space. They normally do this with a growl or quick growl and jump to the side. I have noticed that Bs are much more particular about how a dog acts and don't appreciate the overly excited/ hyper behavior of alot of the common dog types.
TVThats interesting that all your Bs watch tv. Both of mine could care less. My aunt has two westies that go nuts over any animal on tv, makes me very very thankful that my Bs just ignore it. :)
Alternative Colors?Thanks for all of the great responses, this stuff is really interesting to me. I think its a shame that some colors seem to get lost because of early preferences. Its also too bad most of the pictures are black and white which makes it hard to see the colors.
As far as the curly tails, I would imagine that they would be troublesome in the woods because mine have very tight curls and they can't walk under the playstation controller wire without almost pulling the whole thing with them. :)
Alternative Colors?I was looking at the Basenji description on the AKC website and I noticed that there seems to be non accepted alternative colors listed:
Description Type Code
Black & White S 019
Black Tan & White S 030
Brindle & White S 059
Red & White S 146
Black Brindle & White A 021
Blue Cream & White A 346
Cream & White A 077
Mahogany Tan & White A 347
Sable & White A 165The last 4 colors I have never heard of and sound interesting. Does anyone have any pictures of basenjis with these colorings?
Careful what you ask for.hehe great video. The pause before the run is so familiar :)
Long haired Basenjis….haha those pictures are hilarious, I'll have to post up some pictures of Ozzie in this lumberjack coat.
Fruit juiceOzzie and Lacie will both try and sneak licks of our wine and beer as well, they seem to really like the stuff for some reason.
Hello from the nations capital…Hello, welcome to the site, we are just outside DC in Silver Spring MD. Make sure you post pictures when you get him/her :)
Dog parks in your areaWe goto the dog park in Wheaton Maryland in Wheaton Regional Park. Its close enough that we can walk there during a longer walk.
As far as taking dogs to the dog park, I enjoy letting them walk around and do their own thing as opposed to when we go for walks and they alway have to do what I say on the leash. The funny thing though is that they just stay around me anyway and just watch all of the other dogs. They will go around and sniff other dogs but will not play with them. They prefer to watch all the action near me. If another dog gets too in their face or friendly with them they ether let out a long growl or a hard sniff and hop away. This lets the other dog know that they don't appreciate that, if the dog doesn't get the clue thats when I will step in. So far no problems.
Its also interesting the totally different way they interact with dogs there, totally calm. When they are on leash they go nuts and scuffle with each other if they even seen a dog, so I think its good for them to become more socialised so hopefully I can eventually break them of this habit.
Collar Separation Anxietyhaha thats so funny. Mine get theirs take off when they goto sleep for the night which they seem fine with, but are so excited to get them put back on in the morning, tails wagging like crazy. :)
Twiddlesis that a chihuahua in the middle? very cute doggies :)
Rally's Pupsomg so cuteeeee :D :D :D