Here is another picture of him, but it doesn't show his tail. He makes the yodeling sound when I get in from work, I will try to get video of it in the next few days.
Thinking he may he… -
Thinking he may he…I didn't see any basenji in him for a long time either, But the yodel sound, curly tail, and the absolute fearlessness had me wondering. I wasn't at all cracking on Rotts Debra, Harley just weight about maybe a tenth of what it did, and I couldn't keep him out of their yards, now since he dug himself an escape route we go out on a leash until I can figure a method of keeping him safe and Chelsea (the rottweiler) unannoyed.
Thinking he may he…Hi everyone,
About 6 months ago, I decided it was time for a new puppy at my house and a friend had a Beagle/chihuahua puppy so i looked for one and that is when I got my Harley. It was odd the way that I got him, the people that had him, talked to me on the phone, I drove out to the middle of no where and met them at a gas station. He was extremely quiet and calm when they gave him to me. I was worried that he was sick after about half the ride home cause he was so lethargic and quiet. Once I got him home I made sure he ate well, wormed him, and made sure he had plenty of water, after a day or two, he was like a totally different dog, the bloat was gone and he was bouncing off the walls. It took a while (mainly because I have a dog that is a Beagle/Dach mix that barks CONSTANTLY) but I finally noticed that he doesn't bark, he does yodel, and makes a noise like a screaming baby, he is extremely vocal but never barks, He has a cute scrunched up face, and he has the curly tail. He is, in fact, fearless. The dog next door was in heat and he felt the need to visit by going under the fence…It was a full grown Rottweiler, luckily she was in heat so she didn't feel the need to eat him. He is smaller than most basenji's, and he is a very, very destructive puppy if we don't make sure he has acceptable things to chew on. He has floppy ears, which I haven't seen in a basenji. I'm not sure what he is, but I'd be interested to hear opinions, I know he is a mutt, but I'm thinking I should try some of the basenji training techniques since he does tend to get his way by charm, and he is stubborn as all get out. Just for reference he weighs about 15 lbs, stands about 10-12 inches high. But he can carry/drag/play with a 10 lb bag of potatoes, a gallon jug of water, or a 20 lb bag of dog food!