My girl has never been destructive and loves being on the couch with me, not on my lap but touching bodies in some way. She greets everyone but will move away after she hss said hello. B's are not untrainable, they do things in their own way. My girl recalls nearly every time, but I wouldn't trust that she'd come off lessh. I have never regretted getting her, my first Basenji.
Basenjis... redeeming qualities? -
Getting spayed in heatHi there. I had the same problem with my girl. I had her fixed with no problems.
Basenji Nail GroomingMy girl doesn't like her nails done either. I have got her really relaxed on my lap and then cut her back nails which she tolerates better than her front ones. She fights tooth and nail when it comes to her front ones, she hates her front legs or feet being held. I hold her close, firmly and let her know she's not going to win this battle. It is getting easier and it will for you too.
Spay healing well?I was lucky with Teshi. No stitches to remove, all were internal. She went back to vets after 10 days for a check and was given the all clear.
Spay healing well?Looks fine. I had my girl done 3 months ago and looks similar to her incision line. She recovered well and has had no problems since.
What is that - oh, I know, it's a …..A lady at the local vet thought Teshi was a shaved Pomeranian and living in Australia where dingos' are native, that comes up a fair bit too.
Spaying while in heatMy 7 month old girl has just come into her 1st season. She lives with 2 neutered male dogs(not Basenjis) and so far they're leaving her alone. I've booked her in for spaying in 3 days time. What do others think? Should I let her finish this heat cycle and get her done later?
1st TimerNail clipping is something she absolutely HATES. It's the leg holding that I think she dislikes more than the actual clipping. I've only managed to do her nails once in 4 months.
1st TimerHello from Australia. I'm being trained by my first Basenji, a girl named Teshi. She's 6 months young and at this stage has no real issues, except for nail clipping. Her 2 playmates have issues with her, when she goes into her B 500 mode they run for the hills !!! She's been a joy and makes me laugh constantly with her antics.