I am a new B owner. What is Fanconi? What are the symptoms?
At what age should I start testing my B? She is 1year 2 mos.
Any info on this would be appreciated. I want to make sure Maggie lives a long and happy life.
I am a new B owner. What is Fanconi? What are the symptoms?
At what age should I start testing my B? She is 1year 2 mos.
Any info on this would be appreciated. I want to make sure Maggie lives a long and happy life.
I own a 1 year old B. This is our first dog ever. The person we purchased Maggie through told us she is a very calm dog which is what we were looking for. Unfortunately we did no research on B's. My husband just fell in love with her so we purchased her. She is a lot of work but we all love her to death. Will my B ever be able to be left out of her cage when we are not home or at night for bedtime? I'm afraid she will tear everything up if left unattended. I feel bad crating her when we are not home or at bedtime. She can not sleep with us because we have a cat and they do not get along. Maggie just wants to terrorize her. One good thing is she just loves other dogs. Is this normal for a B? Will she calm down any when she gets older? Everything I've read here sounds like Maggie is just a normal B. Anything I should be aware of with a B as she gets older? Thanks for your help. :) :)