Baxter comes up and sits next to me as I compute and sets his paw up on my knee. Then the Famous Basenji Hypno-Stare. (((OBEY)))

What does your Basenji do when he needs to go out? -
Baxter and Elctra on YouTube -
Electra knows a few curse-words in Dog.Here we (partner and I) are bragging on how cool it is to have a canine who doesn't bark when lo-and-behold Electra Basenji cuts loose with a sound that sounded VERY bark like.
I think it was that part of her early childhood was around actual dogs and she learned a few curse-words in Dog. Baxter really hates it. But then he generally hates all barky-dogs. Kind of like how we get would annoyed at hooting-monkeys.
When she does it at home (usually to antagonize Baxter B), and Ace H cringes I usually claim she is bi-lingual. However this time it was at the dog park. Just as (like I said) I was bragging on how cool having a barkless can be.
I covered quickly pointing out that humans can hoot like monkeys but most of us only do it to annoy other humans.
Anyway, had to share. :)
Baxter and Electra… and their pet humans say Hi.FINALLY found the link back here. :)
( Had to brainwash my computer )
does happy dance -
Ode to Ye Blessed Squirt BottleOh, ye squirt bottle! Thank you for your existance. I can yell at my basenji and they just laugh. I grab the magic squirt bottle and they run for cover.
My first basenjiJust remember. Negitive training doesn't work well with Basenji. Yell and most of them will look at you with "is that all you got?" type look. Negitive training makes basenji into psychos. (humans too, but that is another story)
Praise, Bribery, Attention (constant) and lots of love is the only way to "train" a basenji.
One other basenji owner gave me this advice:
This is how you train your basenji with a rolled up newspaper…
When your basenji does something wrong, take a rolled up newspaper and beat yourself on the head for not watching the basenji close enough.
Major Attention Grabbers.First, let me say as the human that I am anti-social and generally a private critter outside of my computer.
What is getting me is all the strange (AKA normal) people coming up to me.
Dog people I could understand, but I get jaded business people, thugs from da-hood, asian tourists, and many other "types" that I wouldn't expect to be interested in dogs at all are all a-gog over my basenji babes.
I, of course, dutifully try to convince them that the basenji are not for your average human. The fact that they don't bark does not make up for the fact that I have very few clothes left that don't have basenji holes in them. And apparently we got off lucky.
"Oh they are so small and cute!" … Yea. Like a stick of dynamite.
Hea. Thanks for lettin me rant.
Baxter! Shake!Apparently our basenji amaze other basenji owners. They sit on command (most of the time), and we have them doing all kinds of tricks.
We were just smart enough to know that the Basenji are smart enough to withhold trick if we withold treat.
Bribery is your best friend when training Basenji.
Baxter and Electra… and their pet humans say Hi.Just found these forums. Bout time someone did it!
First thing's first… HELLO from Baxter, Electra, the other 2 humans, and myself!
here are Baxter and Electra's webpages with pictures and videos.