Dewey just turned 1. I'm hoping that it will progress slowly enough to only have a real effect on his night vision, that would be wonderful. I've also been going to a homeopathic vet that is going to be doing accupressure (and eventually accupuncture) and massage therapy and even if that doesn't help preserve his vision, it will keep him happy and relaxed.

Pra -
PraHe has symptoms of night blindness, which is what prompted me to take him to the vet. The vet did some simple testing and recommended that I take him to a specialist for a more thorough exam and test, which I did. I was told that Dewey had early onset, slow progressing retinal atrophy.
He is doing great so far, as he can still see when it is daylight and I've been keeping the rooms he has access to well lit at night.I don't have a pedigree for him, since he is a mix and was a rescue from a store that had been closed down and was going to euthanize their remaining dogs.
Thanks everybody -
PraGood morning!
My Dewey was just diagnosed with progressive retinal atrophy and I'm looking for any advice I can get from people experienced with the disease. I want to make his transition into blindness as smooth and easy as possible (for both of us) and would appreciate anything anyone has to say!
Courtney and Dewey -
Dewey the 3/4 BasenjiHe's got a bit of beagle in him. Thankfully, he doesn't bark like a beagle!
Dewey the 3/4 BasenjiHi everybody. I wanted to introduce myself and my baby boy, Dewey. I've had Dewey since 3-29-07 and he's been the light of my life since that day. He's proven to be a bit of a challenge but his behavior problems have toned down considerably as he's gotten older. He's going to be all grown up (or so he seems to think) in January when he turns 1! He is a little dog aggressive but he loves his big brother Tinker. Knowing him you'd never guess that there was anything in him but Basenji, until you look at his ears.
Oh and I'm Courtney, Dewey's servant:)