Here is my space addy:

Myspace -
New to this ~giggles~Boy do we have some special critters…can't decide if Baka is elf or troll...think he is both.
Welcome and nice to meet you. -
Magic elves?The way he is so helpful when building puzzles…let me see that one you won't miss think I'll eat's just another blue chunk of carboard yummy!
I can chew on this red one so it will fit where the blue one went...then looks you in the eye like what did I do? -
Magic elves?Don't forget that pillows and blankets belong where ever I think they do says Baka as he drags another blanket down the hall then proceeds to jump on the couch where the fuzzy blue blanket is that is so soft and chewey.
hehehe -
New to this ~giggles~Thank you!
New to this ~giggles~Welcome Dett - Sounds like Baka is one happy boy. Post some pics of your pack soon. Enjoy this forum!
We certainly hope so…he is quite the little thug (thinks he's really tough until Janey gets a hold of him) Looking forward to reading and sharing stories.
New to this ~giggles~Hi we live in Rapid City South Dakota, We have 1 Basenji (Baka) 1 Jack Russel terrior (parson) Janey and one half breed Doc. Our Baka is not very vocal (should say hasn't been) but seems to be more willing to share some of his feelings as of late. He sleeps under the covers unless it's too hot then it's on the pillow. He thinks that the house is his own private race track. Yes loves to shred cardboard and or paper if given the chance. Thinks anything that is soft and fuzzy needs to be his for chewing.
What do your B's do when they hear this??:) Howdy howdy, new to the forum, Imported my puppy from Russia he's now 2 years old. His name is Baka, was hoping to find sounds so he can hear others like him. I really liked the video, he just felt the need to move from the floor to the couch to listen in his relaxed state.