Thank you everyone for your suggestions and concern. I'll keep you posted.
Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors! -
Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors!Corky's laps do not seem to be induced by stress but excitement. I'll try to describe it….She's standing on our deck, looking out over Her Kingdom. She spots a dog two yards away (that acts like she isn't even there is no reinforcement) she barks twice then bolts...leaps off deck like superman (over 3 stairs...can't be bothered.) She then will do a big lap of the back yard...pauses, barks twice, then comes back up onto the deck, REPEAT, REPEAT, REPEAT until she is out of breath or we stop her in her tracks. Another move is in the front yard....someone walks by....she does a figure 8 around two trees until the person (who never paid any attention to her) is 4 houses away. She gets SO fixated. We spend time in the yard with her and walk her (off-leash in parks, woods, neighborhood streets- she's very well behaved.) However in the house looking out the window or in our yard she is an excitement junky!! We can live with the behavior. However, she is very lame almost every night and is favoring one leg. She can barely move...yet if she has a "trigger" she's off and running. I can only imagine the wear and tear she is putting on her joints!
Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors!We adopted our 4-yr old Basenji-Shepherd mix, Corky from the dog shelter. Little by little we are working on her issues! I think after 2 years, the excitement/submissive urination is almost gone. Phew!! Now we are working on her obsessive compulsive running. She fixates on things outside our yard and runs laps over and over. We have invisible fence but had to put up boundaries so she didn't loop the outside of our house every time someone walked past our house. When neighbor dogs are out or she spots a squirrel, etc. she runs her laps. I know that she is wearing herself out. She is a great walker. We can walk her off-leash and she stays calm and in control when she sees things that set her off when out in the yard. I am now trying a backpack with her when in the yard with only tuna cans. I don't want to stress her joints more than they already are. Any suggestions of how to deal with this behavior? Is this behavior common in this breed?