Rockcreekk seems to be very confused on who he actually is and what he is actually doing. Recently I attended a Miami County Zoning Board Meeting for a new person who has moved into an area that we we're notified of who has 100 dogs in his custody and unlike what Rockcreekk says these dogs are caged with 2 to 3 dogs in each cage. Everyone who attended the meeting was given a booklet with pictures. We've seen on this forum where someone by the name of Harold Buzz Powell has moved to Paola, Kansas - which happens to be Miami County, right where I am. During the meeting with the zoning board the manager of the kennel started speaking and then the other gentlemen started speaking. When he was asked to state his name by the zoning board, he stated his name was Harold Buzz Powell. So, I ask, same house dog names, same address, and now in the same business?? Also, it would benefit you all to know when I talked to the local Sheriff's Department and asked why Harold Buzz Powell was not registered in Miami County - when I was aware he had been here since January, they informed me that he had come to register the week prior to my call - last week in March. Please note, I had personally seen him in early January, but benefit of the doubt, maybe he still lived in Meriden. They also wanted to let me know that the registration process is almost 60 days behind on their updates. The person who called himself Harold Buzz Powell told us all in this zoning meeting that he and his partner had moved from Meriden, Kansas and provided us with a photocopy of the business card, which is Rock Creek Kennel. The email address on this business card is spelled with the same spelling as the user Rockcreekk. I also looked Harold Buzz Powell directly in the face and I can confirm that yes, it sure looks like the same person. Yes, this person who spoke answered the zoning board with the fact that he had 100 dogs and had planned for up to 120 or 130, I wish I could remember the exact number. Shockingly, he lives on 13 acres in Miami County just as someone had mentioned earlier. The name of the kennel in which Harold Buzz Powell is planning to set up or has really just moved in without any permission is Bully Farms Kennel and the conditional use permit that was applied for is NOT in his name. He also said that he had some sort of Kansas State License, which I imagine may be in the same persons name who filed for the conditional use permit. The website that is currently under construction is It is also a huge coincidence that this person provided the same facebook page that we could view his dogs, as I am seeing ALL over this forum thread. I also believe as part of public record you can go to: in which you can see the name of the person applying for the conditional use permit. There was also "another" person on- site at the time that our officials came to this property - he introduced himself as David Turner. I think after investigation we might find out that David Turner and Harold Buzz Powell is one in the same, but this is just speculation. Harold Buzz Powell told the zoning board that he would have to sell his dogs at auction if he was denied the permit. The zoning board did deny his permit and it is now set to go in front of the County Commissioners. It seems like Rockcreekk may need some help as stated earlier by another post, as it seems he may have some form of amnesia. If I am wrong then I would suggest that Rockcreekk track down this guy named Harold Buzz Powell as he must be an imposter!