No I didn't he was from a private owner-her daughter had the parents and they had puppies-then her son-in-law was transferred and the woman I bought him from sold the puppies. There was him. a brother and a sister. The mom had an aunt that was an adult.
Benny's Hyperactivity -
Benny's Hyperactivitythanks for all the answers…here is some more info. I didn't get him from a breeder so I haven't got that route to ask. He was at 12 weeks loving and gentle and responded well to the no bites. However he got more aggressive as he got older. I live in a duplex and even when my neighbor knocks on the door I pick him up and cuddle him. They don't come in the house or approach him in any way but his hackles go up and he growls. With my friends he has been shy but comes around and then the aggression-baring his teeth-comes out of no where for no reason-he lunges at them on the couch while we are talking or if they are talking and petting him he turned on one friend and lunged at her face. He had the full thryoid panel because I my last boy Buddy had thyroid so my vet is very thorough. It was negative. The behaviors come out of no where. If we are on the couch watching t.v he could be cuddling with me or chewing his bone and suddenly he leaps on me with his mouth open and he really means to bite. If I do the no bite he just bites when I let go of his snout. I have never hit him and always try to cuddle him and praise him or give him treats. he actually likes water-he tries to get in the shower with me and loves to walk in the rain so the spray bottle has no effect!!! When he is sweet he is so sweet and loving and loves to cuddle but the last few days I've actually been frightened of him and I don't like that feeling and I am not having anyone in the house for fear he hurts them.
Training classes?thanks for the input-I'm looking forward to reading more responses on how to find a good trainer for him
Training classes?I need to find a good basic training class. Everything I've read on the forum seems to point to formal training. however, my boarder is reluctant becasue Diesel is already a year old and she hasn't had a lot of success with Bs at that age. I don't want to go to Petco etc but know I can't do it on my own with him. Any suggestions?
thanks -
Benny's HyperactivityI have a similar problem with my boy Diesel. He just turned 1 Dec 1st. I take him for long walks and he runs like a maniac. No matter what toys he has he still chews everything else no matter what I do to distract him-he gets bored really quickly. The Kong works for a couple of minutes as well as stuffed animals, bones and chew toys but then he is off looking for more trouble with "human" things. More trouble than that though-I'm hoping he will calm as he gets a little older-he doesn't sleep. He goes and goes and then just drops and sleeps for an hour or so. If I get up in the night to go to the bathroom-say 2am-he's up and that's it. The biggest problem that I have with him and have never had with any other basenji (for more than 20 years of having them) is he bites and is very aggressive. He bites me-not in play and even if he knows my friends he will suddenly lunge at them for no reason with teeth bared. He has tested negative for diseases that might be giving him pain and nothing I do seems to stop it. I'm afraid I may need to put him down as he cannot be biting my friends or children when they come. I feel it is related to his sleep troubles but have no idea where else to go to look for help. My vet is great but at a loss too. Any help is grately appreciated.
Hello EveryoneQuite true. We call our pup Trouble On Four Feet.
Welcome computerguru! I also have a boy pup around the same age. Still waiting for him to start using his head…Were those two your first B's or have you been in the breed for awhile?No I have had basenjis for approximately 22 years. He is different though than any other I have had. He still bites even when I have taught him "no bite" and he is beginning to not be friendly to anyone but me. I have never experienced this with any of my others-even the 2 that were rescues. Amy thoughts? thanks
Hello EveryoneHi everyone. This is my first post and I want to introduce myself and my basenji. Diesel is an 11 month old male who I've had since he was 16 weeks old. I'm in the process of getting a divorce and left my female Carlee with my husband. I am a homecare hospice nurse and visit patients in their homes every day. Diesel is a typical basenji puppy-mischievious and fun loving but he sure can get into trouble!!! We are looking forward to reading all the information here in the community. Have a great day.