So very sorry. I seldom log in and reply on any post because I find many regular contributors to be brutally honest. But that said, I am very very sorry and I understand your issue. My husband was on board with getting a basenji, but i later learned for mostly the wrong reasons. No barking, little shedding, intelligient etc. Those are great traits and my princess Piper possesses them all. She was such a terribly difficult puppy to train I thought we were surely going to end up in divorce over this dog. He loves her - but only recently (3 years in) has gained the same level of protectiveness over her. So my advice is to stick with it. Being mad at others for having less vested interest is wasted energy. Love Rogue, protect Rogue, you will figure out what works and the good thing is that you already have good eyes on all the dangers. My Piper does not like cold, rain, water etc and she can be a pain - but she is my darling and I get it. Training can't be understated - but avoiding the need to scold works much better from my experience. So finding options for shoes, garbage etc will help. We have a tall closing trash can that she has never gotten into - also stainless steel so it is heavy. The other advice is make sure even in the cold that you are getting Rogue outside and walking and running off energy. A tired Basenji has a happy owner. Routine is also key. Piper knows we walk a mile at 9 am and a mile at 4 pm every day and sometimes I sneak in an extra mile at noon. She will go out for our walk in the cold as long as it is not pouring rain. But the snow sends her into an energy rush and she is hysterical! We have snow rarely in my state so it is a fun distraction when it occurs. If it is at all feasible you could consider a new living arrangement - but I am not certain that is a reasonable option.
Make peace with your family, protect Rogue and enjoy your pup. The one time Piper got out and was gone for 24 hours it was totally my fault (I underestimated her). It happens and I did not sleep that night. We built a fence around our backyard after that.
My dog snuck out the front door off leash tonight. -
Escalating aggression towards my 3yo sonI just returned today from a visit with my grandchildren. They have two mixed breed dogs that tolerate an amazing amount of bumping and surprise hugs during rest time or whatever. I marveled as I said out loud multiple times that my Piper would never tolerate this random activity all around her.
I agree that this dog is acting like a Basenji and my very strong advice for your family and your dog is to re-home the dog before something worse happens.
All children and dogs are different and some things can be trained away, but in my estimation this is happening too often and the dog is not going to be easy to retrain for another family if he is not removed soon. And your son deserves to be safe and not injured for trying to show love. -
How do I limit puppy biting???All those things work but it takes time. Don't get discouraged. I wore long sleeves to protect my arms all the time when Piper was little. It takes effort to find a toy that consistently brings teething comfort. Bully sticks and yak cheese were her favorite when she was younger. Diversion from your body and consistent reaction to her biting helps. It will get better. Puppies explore with their mouth. Best of luck with your new sweet baby.
Windy, cool, and cold weather clothingThere is no way Piper will wear clothes. She chewed off a thunder jacket and started working on chewing off a custom sweater my daughter made for her. So I won't be investing in clothes and thank goodness in NC it is not extremely cold for long.
Crate Training StrugglesI see that everyone thinks the crate belongs in the bedroom. Though
this may make him happier it worked for me not to have our pup in our room. Not every human you live with will go along with this plan. If the crate is large enough for a favorite dog toy and his own blanket he will eventually adjust.
Would he be happier in bed with you or in your room, sure. But it is your house and you are allowed to have some off limits rooms. The first few months can be rough. But it is worth it. -
How we got through the first years of "whacko dog" and some tips for youWow, I thought I had a difficult first year! I am so proud of you for being Harry's human hero and giving him many chances. I have read much information about basenjis and I had never heard about not moving furniture. That actually explains a few things to me.
I have recently thrown my dog for a loop by providing respite to a dog who's owner is in the hospital. It has taken 6 days but they are finally playing rather than just sniffing each other rediculously. -
Basenji Cold ShoulderOh my gosh, that could be Piper any day of the week! Thank you for sharing that!
Is my pup part basenji?I think the behaviors are compelling. Hope you can confirm suspicions. I am guessing one of the parents were full or half basenji. Gorgeous!
Prey drive with small dogsI realize I am coming to this chat very late but I want to give you some hope. I have 6 chickens and though my 3 year old Piper will chase down and kill a bunny or squirrel and eat it ....she has demonstrated time after time that she understands the chickens are off limits. Infact I will go further to say that she acts as their protector. If one flies over the daytime fence she lets me know, if one is making any unusual noise she comes to get me. It has become quite comical how motherly she acts to them. 4 of them she was introduced to just a few months ago as I brought home baby they were small enough for her to attack for many months. I just kept telling her they are special and I would even let her sniff them while holding her collar. She knows the difference between prey and protect. I would love to get a few goats but I am not certain if that would work. I am still thinking about that.
Silent BasenjiSometimes I can get wrapped up in how great my Basenji is but my son came last week with his two dogs, a coon hound rescue and a beagle mix rescue and they are two of the most loving,obedient and smart dogs you would ever want to meet. The three dogs got along fabulously and my dog has been sad since they left. If I were to get another dog I am not set on limiting it to a basenji. Time will tell.
Breeder Help in Southeastern USMy Piper came from Nocturnal Farm and kennel in North Carolina. Sarah might not be a "preferred breeder" but if so I don't know why. She is an awesome person and very knowledgeable. She loves her dogs. And gives them lots of appropriate hands on care. Maybe she has no show champions. I am sure someone who reads this forum can add more. I was not looking to show, just wanted a family pup to love.
Chase gameThough I commend your passion Nancy, and agree with you I will defend my infantile husband to a degree. He was working with the pressure washer and his glasses got fogged up so he took them off and placed them on the picnic table ....Piper was with me in the garden at the time and it did not occur to him the glasses were in danger. But on another point, hehas both personality quirks and health issues and his point to me was that he may have less time left to live than this young dog and he will have to put up with her quirkiness for the rest of his life. So consider that you are never hearing the whole story when you get a question posted. At this point he has agreed to let her stay and I am going to find a behaviorist who can help me train her for more consistent responses. I am kind of the spoiler in this issue because I pushed so hard to get a dog when he was not real enthusiastic about it. I should have waited I guess.
Night time/ sleep aggression in our 18 month old female basenjiMy husband uses this as a reason for me to wait on him...piper hates her sleep disturbed, and she often cuddles up to him on the sofa. I have gradually reduced her sensitivity but not enough to allow her in bed.
Introduce a cat to 2 adult basenjisI like Debra's response and I think your biggest confrontation would be over food. Eating off the same plate seems like it is pushing beyond a safe zone. I have one basenji one very large cat and 3 confined chickens. Dog and cat play and co-exist fine, though the dog at times plays too rough. (The cat is elderly whereas the dog is 2 yrs old. )
I am quite sure given the chance the dog would make short work of a chicken....not giving her any opportunity. Good luck, sounds like it will work out. -
Screaming must stop!Sorry Mike about the hostility you feel on this forum. I have figured out they just can't help it. Lots of Basenji advocates that are experts and I think their dogs may be more important than people. It is a good idea to read others questions and learn from that rather than putting yourself out there to be chopped up.
I researched too but still had no idea what I was actually getting into. We went to puppy school and then I hired a private trainer who had lots of Basenji is hard to get through the first year. But trust me it will be worth it to persevere.
I used a crate, and no it has not been in my room near the bed ever. She started in the laundry room at night only and I used daytime gates so I could control her location with me. Also I bought a playpen type fence to be on the deck.
Now she is 3 yrs old and we are down to one gate and a fenced back yard. She has a bed on the sofa and in the guest room, and on the back deck.
She basically has the run of the house minus the bedrooms. (Well she thinks the guest room is her room).
I am sure you are doing lots of things right. What I find with this breed is that they are so smart you have to develop dog psychology. They must understand that you are the boss without you raising your voice or hand against them. I have developed a routine and it seems to work for us. For example while you are establishing that you make the rules don't put your dogs dish down until you begin your dinner. Small thing but once she learned that we eat first and she must wait until I put her dish down that made me the boss. But you need to be consistent. She gets it and she sits licking her lips as she sees her dish on the counter. There is no jumping or drama about it anymore.
This process of you being a dependable and caring provider that your dog can predict behavior from you will pay off.
I have had times of discouragement too. I think if you limit the crating to when you can't be there and keep your life in a predictable pattern you will find the dog fitting in and settling down. -
Bug's boo-booThe nurse in me says use a spray disinfectant. That way it will be clean but you don't have to rub it at all. I suspect all is well unless it gets infected.
Remembering TobySorry and you should take a sense of pride for the long happy years you all shared. 17 yrs is incredible!
Silent BasenjiMy Piper is pretty vocal. She barks about weekly and yodels whenever either of us gets home, and the longer we are away the more energetic it is. And she always yodels with Glee when my daughter stops over with the grandkids. Then she has a lower key yodel when someone new comes to visit and she is not fully sure if they will play with her. I love all her sounds except the growl, but I am getting to understand it a bit more too.
Hard to live with my Basenji@bluebert
wow, so sorry. My name is Chris. I have never taken the trouble to respond to any post, and have read many. I see that 44 people have read your post and not responded.
I am not an expert but I have a female the same age. I am having challenges but nothing like you are describing. I have a female and we have settled into a fairly smooth routine. I have found that a predictable routine keeps her more willing to listen. My vet sold me a mild anti anxiety meds for vet appointments because these visits are so stressful for her. Perhaps that would reduce his separation anxiety. If he is not neutered I would start there. My girl only tolerates a crate open, she will go on to sleep. In general I do not think these dogs love confinent.
My experience is that reward training rather than harsh scolding is more productive. But occasionally she, Piper, will do something and really sets off my husband and he will shout at her. She does seem to get that there are boundaries and she will get yelled at if she crosses it with him but she still will jump up and sleep next to him on the sofa without hesitation 10 min later. I am amazed at the intelligence which makes them even a bigger challenge in some ways.
I can feel that you are close to giving up. Seek out help from a professional trainer, but there definitely needs to behavior modification to make this work. Hang in there. Sorry I do not have more wisdom for you. -
Sneezing, bloody nose, allergiesDo you think it could be some type of burrlike plant that is remaining in the nostril or sinus tract?