Do you guys still meet up in the DC area? We just moved to Alexandria a few months ago and I'd love to join you all!

Washington, DC Metro Area Basenji Meetup -
Basenji + Horse = ?Love your pics!
Warm Day + New Camera = PicturesLove the photos, Jake doesn't seem to mind the cold one bit.
I checked out the photo on your blog, very nice headshot of Jake. Which made me check out the rest of your blog, I LOVE YOUR CONDO! Gorgeous! But how could your girlfriend not be in love with Jake? Seriously, good choice in choosing him over her if it came down to that.
Merry ChristmasVery sweet!
Nodular Granulomatous EpiscleritisChase, our Puggle, just was diagnosed as having Nodular Granulomatous Episcleritis in his left eye. I noticed on Sunday that his eye was red and bloodshot and that there was a lump near the cornea. He doesn't seem like he is in any pain and the eye doctor said that it is usually treatable with drops which he may need for the rest of his life.
Anyone else have any experience with this?
Living as cats and dogsI love the second photo where he is licking the kitten! Too sweet!
He's Arriving On Saturday!I believe PM is "puppy mill".
Thanks! I was having a brain freeze on that … seems so simple now, LOL!
He's Arriving On Saturday!To me, those "designer breeders" are on even a worse level as a PM. Not only they breed a bunch of mixes on purpose, and mislead the people who just want a cute pet, the "designer dogs," espeically toys and laps usually cost 2 to 3 times more than purebred of either breed. Where's the logic in that? I am not trying to make anyone upset (sorry ChaseandZahrasmom), but I just don't get it….
What does PM mean?
No offense taken.
He's Arriving On Saturday!There are a lot of well-meaning people on this forum who have a tendency to voice opinions ….firmly and can be a bit brusque and/or argumentative about it, whether in regard to breeders, feeding, training, lifestyle, etc.
It takes some getting used to, and frankly is why I seldom visit the forum any more. It gets old, even when not directed at me. I just want to scream sometimes, "Give him a break! Not everyone shares your OPINION!!!". So, to eliminate that frustration from my life,
I just avoid the forum now for the most part. Too little conversation/discussion, too much opinion stated as fact, too many judgments made on those who disagree.
I can see where newbies would bolt and run. I know I nearly did... a few times. Now I'm not so much bolting and running, but sighing and walking away quietly with an occasional swing through to see if anything new or exciting is happening.I second this, I haven't been on much in the last several months for the very same reason and this post reminded me again of why I haven't been coming around. I have a Puggle, I can see many people's points as to what is wrong with a designer dog, etc. but you know what, he was my first dog and has been the sweetest little guy ever. EVERY BREED has issues, but it seems sometimes that you can't just say something nice on this forum many have to come back with an attack. Education is fine, I whole heartdly agree but my Puggle is a member of my family at this point and it is hard to see someone say that a breed that you have or your furchild is "Stupid".
He's Arriving On Saturday!They breed lots of different breeds AND crosses (I hate puggles so much! What a stupid cross).
Hey, I love my Puggle! :mad:
However, your opinion …
Puppy chronicle - ZeldaOh my gosh,I just watched the video that is really cute!
Virginia snowstorm 2010Zahra did not want to leave the front porch, she slipped out of her collar and refused to move off the porch. Her brother Chase, the Puggle is loving it though!
TupperwareDoes anyone on here sell Tupperware? I am looking to buy some online and was curious if you get a better deal by going through a consultant and if so, I could use a consultant!
AJ got one too!I love it, looks like a Carhart coat!
Petition re M. VickI am not quite sure why he can't go back to his job? He did his time. He should never be allowed to own a dog again, but he should be able to work. If you don't want to support the team, that is your choice, but trying to keep someone from supporting themself is really unfair. I do not agree, sympothize with what he did at all, but he went to jail, served his time. Murders of any kind have the option to go back to work after their jail time, why would he be any different?
I agree with Dash. Yes what Michael Vick did was wrong, but he has judged, sentenced and served his time. He is also still performing community service by talking to kids about NOT getting involved with dog fighting. Football is his job just like being a Project Manager, Cashier or Engineer may be some of yours; if you were arrested for something not related to your job, it would not be fair to keep you from returning to your profession once your sentence has been served.
I don't think that anyone will forget what he has done, I will be shocked if he does get any endorsements from Coke, Nike, etc. because they will not want to promote his negative background.
Since I live in the area where he grew up and close to where this happened it is frustrating to see in interviews that he blames it on local Newport News police that he got into dog fighting because they never stopped it when they saw it happening as he was a kid growing up. That makes me wonder if he really is remorseful for what he has done or is he remorseful for getting caught?
His brother Marcus is a mess too, he threw away a wonderful career in professional football because he got into trouble with the law early and never had the chance to play. From what the news channels say he was an incredible ball player but I think his problems were more to do with illegal gun activity.
Basenji TattooThe guy from the video is a Basenji forums member, I am sure if you do a search you will find the thread. Very cool!
Off Leash FunJealous! You know Chase and Zahra would be running towards the air conditioned car or house …
A new addition to our householdI'm jealous! His Basenji's are so beautiful and they live so well!
Congratulations, he looks so sweet.
Cat with Thyroid condition and high blood pressureMy cat Felise went to live with my parents while I was in the military several years ago.
She kept on losing weight and my Dad finally took her to the vet and found out that she has a Thyroid condition, high blood pressure and several sores in her mouth.
She is going to have to take medication, has anyone every dealt with this? Will it be expensive? How did your pet do with the medication?
We're EngagedYeah! Congratulations! I didn't realize that you guys weren't married either, I just assumed that you were.