Hi everyone. I've gotten so much good info and advice just from reading other people's posts. So I finally decided to join. My Basenji Lucy is now five months old, I got her when she was ten weeks. She's so smart, and so much fun. She has actually been a really good puppy since we've got her. This is my first dog ever in my life, so i'm really glad i haven't had the headaches that a lot of puppies can cause. I do have one thing though that I can't figure out. Well, when I first got her I put a collar on her and she hated it. I left it on her thinking she would get used to it but for about two days straight she was constantly scratching at it and she wouldn't even walk normal in the house because she was so irritated. So I took it off of her. Now, just last week I decided to try again. The first time I used one of those basic adjustable ones, so this time i tried a leather one because i thought that might have been the problem. But it's the same thing, she's constantly trying to get it off. I again left it on her for about two days, and she acted very different almost like she was deppresed. She wouldn't eat hardly anything, she wasn't excited like she normally is, she didn't want to play, all she did was lay around in between going nuts for a minute trying to get the collar off. So again I gave in and took it off her and instantly she went back to her normal playful self. Any advice?
