Hi Basenji lovers,
I am Lorraine's friend from West Chester, PA. I frequent the dog park she referred to in her post at the corner of Rt 100N (N. Pottstown Pike) and Greenhill Rd in West Goshen Township, just north of the boro of West Chester. I would LOVE to help arrange, or be a participant in a basenji hook up there. As area parks go, it's pretty dismal (the township begrudgingly built it after receiving donations of land from Wawa and grants from the state of PA, and being badgered by dog-owning residents!) - but it is a safe, totally fenced area for our little ones to have the freedom to run wild and associate with other four-legged friends.
At this time of year, the worst time to plan a play date there would be at the end of the day. From around 4pm to dark the park can get really crowded. If we want our basenjis to have the most fun with each other, I would suggest off-hours (late morning or mid-day) if possible. Weekends, obviously tend to be overly busy as well.
To answer some earlier post - the park in Radnor is NOT fenced and, at least for me and my little hunter, would not be a possibility. I am also not aware of a fenced area in Valley Forge Park.
There is a fenced dog park in Phoenixville, PA which might be convenient for folks coming from Montgomery County and Chester County as well. Check out www.reservoirdogspark.com - I have not been there myself, but have heard much good feedback from others who have.
Last one I know of is Reynolds Dog Park (Upper Prov Twnshp, Mont Co) out Rt 422/Oaks exit - fenced - also accessible to Mont Cty folks & Chester Cty folks. www.uprov-montco.org/canalandreynolds.html
Hope something comes of all this interest in planning a get-together!
Cindy Shuman (and Chase Utley, the dog)