I am looking to put my new pup on Orijen. Would like to have him on high protein low carb diet. Any suggestions?
What best for puppy food? -
Looking for R&W addition to our Cape Cod homeI am overwhelmed with joy! We are adopting "Garen" the pup frpm BRAT!
He is adorable!! He arrives next week and we can't wait to get him home!1
Thank you to everyone, especially Suzanne from MI..she is wonderful :):D:D -
Looking for R&W addition to our Cape Cod homeHe is arriving from Kalamazoo next Thursday!
Looking for R&W addition to our Cape Cod homeWe are proud to say we are adopting "Garen" a 10 week old R/W boy from Brat.
He will be arriving next week! We are sooooo excited…he is ADORABLE!! -
Looking for R&W addition to our Cape Cod homeThank you everyone for your kind words. I am in touch wiith BRAT. They just placed 2 pups. When the right one comes along…it will be time. I can be patient. Maybe this weekend I can set up pics and stuf about Cairo.
Thanks again to everyone.
Debbie -
Puppies Due May 2010 / Tucson, AZI also lost my beloved "Cairo" 15+ yrs..I am so ready to get another R&W pup! We live on Cape Cod…pretty far away!
Looking for R&W addition to our Cape Cod homeWe are looking for a R&W pup to buy or rescue. We recently lost our beloved
"Cairo" after 15+ years. Our hearts are ready to love again :) -
Looking for R&W pup to enjoy life with us on Cape CodI have recently lost my darling Cairo of 15+ years to kidney failure. I am now am ready to become "mom" again. Looking for a R&W pup to give all my love too!