so I just got back to this forum and began reading through some threads, what was issheforme final decision for getting a basenji?

Buddys Pal
What is YOUR Basenji like? -
Milosh & Zeus..Love those reds! very cute cuddle pic!
My pack, guess which one thinks shes a basenji, she rules them too!Love it!!!!
HELP! Distant Little ManYes, to all of the above. New to a home, they will be standoffish, always let them come to you on their terms in the beginning. If you need to crate train, put high value treats in there. If it is an airline crate fine, or just a wire crate, then put a blanket on it for a 'safe place'. Use common sense about closing the door, don't rush in and slam it, let him get used to it daily, then for a very short time, close it. He'll come around eventually, when he can TRUST you. that means not walking directly to him, staring at him, forcing anything, don't yell for any reason, and as DebraDownSouth mentioned, use those calming signals. If he was under socialized, then you speaking dog to him will gain miles!
Growling Alpha issues...that they are two males, yes, it will happen, but not just because they are males. One may be the 'alpha' but look into Resource Guarding. a resource can be a toy, food, person, couch, a space, bed....anything that one dog deems of high value. and yes, letting them have a hierarchy of who is higher is normal in any pack of animals (humans...hehehe!) great that they don't fight, so leaving them alone is ok. I had a similar problem with the personality conflict between my current B and older male who was here. A behaviorist told me to sing out in a high pitched mini-mouse voice when they would pass each other and whale eye and growl. It worked all the time to distract and redirect them and prevent further escalation. (they never fought either and actually sat close to each other a few months later) You can try this or leave it alone....
Perry 2003 - 2016@eeeefarm So sorry to read about Perry. Knowing you only via this forum, I just know that he had a beautiful time while he was with you and your husband in his time. Just like Debra said, one will find her or his way to you when the time is right. Peace to you at this time, never is easy but gets gentler with time....
Cosette BámidéléJust checked in with the forum and found 'accidententially got a Basenji.' Cosette in a native background is amazing. Did you have trouble 'importing' her through to the US? You didn't mention any behavior problems so I assume she is an awesome dog!(Basenji!) love to see more and hear of her adventures and new culture experiences!
New to the Forum...First time Basenji owner. Meet Rusty!Yep, he is a curious looking pup for sure! Love the name that definitely reflects his unique tri-color! Baby Basenjis' ears are soooooooooooooo cute! great that he is learning so quickly! congrats!
Possible backyard breeder/puppy milllAlso, in lieu of beginning a new thread under the same heading, I recently found this on petfinder. I will copy what I saw as well as submit the link. I saved it as at the time I found it Basenji Forums was under construction....Daisy, born in Nov. '05, is one of two Basenjis we have in our rescue from the same breeder and both have Fanconi. These two gals are great examples of why you need to DEMAND proof of parental Fanconi testing that is now available before buying a puppy from a breeder. Since Daisy has Fanconi, at best both of her parents are carriers of this serious and expensive hereditary disease that is preventable through careful breeding. Daisy is a product of Mountain Springs Basenjis in Anza which has usurped the name Cambria for years and has a line of Basenjis that, according to knowledgeable Basenji people, is LOADED with Fanconi. Daisy is looking for an angel with a big heart and a big wallet to help her deal with this deadly condition. Her mom is Cambria's Heather of Anza and her dad is Cambria's Ti-An2a Panda Boy. If you purchased a Basenji from Anza, please contact us to share information. [(
Possible backyard breeder/puppy milllWell stated Tanza.
Puke that won't end - I'm at my wits endWell, if he is not keeping the food down…does he eat anything at all with enthusiasm? A client of mine had her dog's stomach 'growling' and had diarrhea over a course of two days. She brought him here for training (I was unaware of the tummy turmoil) anyway, he ate pumpkin and he is even a 'picky' eater. that night the grumbling stopped and he had a appetite for his dinner which he did not previously. If your boy likes pumpkin (not pie filling), then you can add the medicine and/or diatomaceouse earth. The 'Earth' dries up the internal parasites and is over all good...I was taking it myself, and my (eh em, please excuse this personal info....) hemorroids have not it works internally...(sorry). let us know what works for you and him!!!
New boy is finally home!what a love bug! the look of angelic sweetness!!! (hehehe!) Best of luck and Congrats!!!!!
Getting enough Exercise- off leashLots of recalls just for the favorite treat, every time. Once that's consistent, slowly decrease the treats per recall.
I did this for a 13 year old at my Husband's family farm. He ran free with the other dogs for as long as he wanted.
I also did this with a pup, who has the same recall at the farm. Ironically, at our home (an acreage) she has no recall…just to add to this for 'the favorite treat', I added a whistle sound so that even to this day 5 years later, if I blow the whistle, he comes, I pay with a treat….99.98% reliable!!!! even when they are visiting Aunt Annette who gives them treats and it takes a good 3 minutes to get back home! (all three actually! since I live on 10acres unfenced and really nice neighbors)
Absolute TragedyOMGosh!!! that is sooo terrible, just got emotional twinge reading this… can't imagine what I would do, and to have such friends and supporters.
Hellooooo from Illinois!ooops, I guess I meant a kennel name…hehehehe! please excuse me!
Hellooooo from Illinois!Yes, welcome, and hope to see some pictures….are you going to wait to name the munchkin? or do you have a titled name? what color? red/white, tri color, black, or brindle??? yep, it must be exciting, did you know you can start doing things in the household before you get your new baby? If you are interested, let us know or go on line for great stuff with preparing.
Getting enough Exercise- off leashI used to link 2 15foot leads together.
this response is viable for someone without a fenced in area. Or just buy one piece of lanyard rope, maybe strong yet light for rock climbing or boating, as too light a lanyard could get tangled around legs and or lacerate a leg/paw. so a round rope, tie it to your belt or waist, and the object of interest can be one of those fly chasers, (akin to a cat toy) (make one on the end of a fishing pole….) a Frisbee, ball whatever. to get your puppy used to dragging something around, let a leash be dragged in the home under supervision of course to prevent chewing. I have found that most puppies will follow you closely outside before they get big and brave! Being tethered to you outside of his crate around the house is a good way to prevent toilet mistakes, get used to you and commands etc: see Dr sofia Yin
Happy Birthday OakleyYes, indeed, Happy (belated) Birthday to Mr. Oakley. Yes, I remember some of the good, the bad, and the ugly, and scary from his growing up years!!! Yes, the forum has been pretty quiet, and welcome back! Godspeed in your pursuits!
Sick Basenjiwhat about an urinalysis? or xray to rule out an impaction or blockage in the GI tract….It is sad when our pals get older, we still worry about them as is very curious that the blood work did not show anything. Maybe you can ask the Vet for some more tests, another Vet for a second opinion. Strange things could have happened to the blood work, mixed with someone else, a false positive for what ever reason,...I would not accept the diagnoses of "nothing wrong" if he was my boy! could he have possibly gotten into chocolate candy, any dangerous cleaning solution, or anything???? just some ideas..............go to petmd and click on the symptoms you describe. maybe something will jar your memory of something he got into....? PS: {I just went on the site and clicked the symptoms you described, here is what came up: (regular blood tests wont show cancer)}
intestinal Cancer (Adenocarcinoma) in Dogs
Adenocarcinoma is a malignant tumor originating in the glandular and epithelial tissue (the lining of the internal...
Symptom(s): Poor Appetite, Shaking, Weight Loss
Severe Biting Problemwell, I read your long post, and throughout the post I kept wondering why you did not try to feed him his regular meals and I suggested? Don't think it is really out of bounds for him to associate you in charge of his resources esp food (if his really likes his food….) (really just try this, really) Time outs don't really make sense to me from a dog's point of view. (why didn't he bite through the leash?) the better procedure for a 'time out' is YOU leaving the room. This way he still does not have you to bite on, no one around to act out in front of you, and if he still bites anything inappropriate after you leave the room such as furniture, pillows etc, then his problem might be that he is extremely frustrated for some reason. Maybe the pain in his mouth from teething, an impacted tooth(?) , a medical problem in this mouth or somewhere else??? Not trying to be anthropomorphic, but when a baby cries, it is uncomfortable for some reason. It is not out of the question to take him to the Vet to rule something out that may be going on physically.