Nimbus got him at 8weeks now he’s 15 weeks he’s the best little basenji I know! Thank you guys for you help debbi is amazing!
New Hampshire Mata Hauri -
New Hampshire Mata HauriThank you! Just got a hold of her today!!
Need help yodeling!!!!All these replies are great!
Basenji Breeders in Northeast America
Enfield NH that were I got mine she is amazing! And my puppy is they best little basenji ever!
Couch mystery stainsDon’t scrub you are just pushing it in further. Pat dab. My little boy when I first got him and sometimes now has wet farts when he was a small puppy I had no idea they farted so much! He was sitting on my a few times and farted and it was a wet ones. I don’t know if this helps.
Couch mystery stainsAlso my non-basenji has dry skin on her ears and she itches them and they start to have a small bleed this stain looks like that. Check the dog for any battle wounds!