Thanks everyone. Yes, those smushed lil faces do make for noisy sleeping companions. I used to nudge Bricks all the time cuz his snoring would wake me. lol Right now, the Papillon is at the top of my short list but that's subject to change. I tend to obsess over decisions like this. :) I enjoy the learning process though, and I absolutely love doggies!!
Greetings from NJ -
Greetings from NJSmiling at "i had no idea what i was getting into despite reading dog breed books" Like when Boxer books tell you they are high energy. You don't necessarily translate that into jumping shoulder height, doing backflips and 360 spins over and over and over and….hahaha
I don't think the Basenji is the right choice this time around. I know I'm not goin' for many walks in those Georgia summers! I am going to try to meet some Basenjis though, I've never seen one in real life, only on TV. (Like those giant checks gameshows give away lol) -
Greetings from NJWell, I probably won't get a dog until summertime, once I'm all settled in. Whatever breed I decide on, my first choice will be adoption.
Greetings from NJWell, I'm already having second thoughts after reading that these guys love to escape! I don't know exactly how dog-proof the fence is and my BF likes dogs, but he doesn't exactly love them so I need a dog that won't get on his nerves too much. I'm reading about other breeds too including the French Bulldog, Dandie Dinmont and Papillon. Whenever I see those dogs in the dog shows I always coo over them, along with the Basenji. I've had dogs(and cats, guinea pigs, fish, rabbits, etc. etc. lol) all my life and take it very seriously. This will not be an "impulse buy" by any means. I would prefer to rescue a dog so the availability of a suitable dog available for adoption will come into play also. None the less, this is a very interesting breed and so darned handsome. I prefer boy dogs, they always seem sillier and more laid back in my experience. :)
Greetings from NJHello everyone,
My name is Dee and I'm beginning the first phase of choosing my next doggy…research. On January 4th, my beloved Boxer, Bricks died just a month and a half shy of his 11th birthday. I got him at 7 weeks and he was my baby. While I would love to get another Boxer, I've decided a smaller breed would be a better decision since they are easier to travel with and carry if need be. I'm not really a small dog person though but the Basenji doesn't have the traits that I don't like about small dogs - yappiness and an often long/demanding coat. I love the look of the Basenji so am now setting out to determine if the rest of the dog will be a good match for me. I am moving to Atlanta where I will be living in a single-family home with a small fenced-in yard. I have no children, but there will be children visiting. As I said, I've just begun my homework, so I have a lot of reading to I go! I look forward to input from experienced Basenji folks.Thanks,