Aghhh, puppy teeth! Terrible little needles! So many good suggestions here. I would add, that you can have pup drag a short, lightweight leash in the house when supervised, so when your guy begins to bite, you can stand up, grab the leash, and give a sharp (not crazy harsh) tug or snap and in a growly voice, say, NOOOOOOO and then move towards him to make HIM move out of your space with his needle-toothed excitement. His mom would have not moved out of his way, she would give him "what for" in the form of a growl, and would stop him in his tracks. If teething is an issue, definitely try frozen kongs, or the washcloth. I am a behavior trainer and mom to 5 B's over 25 years, and MANY fosters.. I have no problem with tug of war, but YOU must end the game. Personally, I would use the leash to make junior stop biting you FIRST..he must calm down for 15-20 seconds.. . and then plop that washcloth or other frozen toy into his mouth, and let him tug away, as a reward for calming down and acknowledging your correction. After all, he is doing the behavior due to puppy energy, so nothing wrong with letting him release it, as long as he does it correctly, i.e. with you in charge as the "pup parent." Good luck!
Thin Skin, OUCH! -
Basenji mix?He’s lovely! The talking does suggest Husky as does the tail. Aloof could be Shiba Inu, Chow Chow, (along with a curled tail, I mean)
Doubtful there is any B. in there, but who knows! Wisdom Panel has a good DNA kit to try also.