Thank you everyone for your kind replies on suggestions for Kona's (hot spots)
Last night i noticed that sneezes a lot while in our bed (Window always open near my bed)
So now i am thinking allergic to something perhaps environment or the cotton sheets or detergent.
I will keep her on a wheat free diet just incase.
I might just add the avocado (i also heard coconut oil)
And hope that this stops soon…i really don't want to have a scratch test done on her to see what she might be allgeric too, then shots 2x a month.
Rather give her a pill !
My Basenji has HOT SPOTS is it really a food allergy? -
My Basenji has HOT SPOTS is it really a food allergy?My Basenji (Kona 7.1/2) years old have been suffering from what i think they call it HOT SOPTS ! She licks her self all day and bites her feet sometimes too.
She also scratched behind one ear.
After many vet visits and a dermatologist she has been on a wheat free, dairy free diet. Eating only exotic meats…rabbit, venison, lamb
Dry kibble mostly, then i ADD a little bit of Tuna to stir into it. Also just bought checks of frozen raw meat which he loves in her kibble as well.
Not sure she has food allergies thought...
Has anyone had this problem with their pet?