Thanks if she’s still bleeding in a week I will call the vet
Heat -
HeatMy basenji seems to be in heat for over a month. Is this normal?
Bitingthanks I will do that.
BitingI spoke to the vet and I think just a t4. he was convinced it was going to be lower actually because she had thinning hair above her tail, and didn't want to cost us extra money for other testing, which I do appreciate. I told him what all of you said and he is going to do a little research and get back to me, in your experience have you had to tell the vet to give medicine when they didn't consider it necessary? he also gave me the name of some trainers but I don't really want to go that route if her aggression is from a medical problem. she's always been a very easy dog up until now.
Bitingher thyroid came back normal the vet said, 1.7, normal is between 1-4 they are telling me.
Bitingso her thyroid came back 1.7, and normal is 1-4. the vet is saying this is normal, in your experience is this considered low normal? I am a nurse practitioner but have no idea what to do with the furry patients?
Bitingit seems to be with total strangers but I haven't had any people over recently that she would be familiar with. she did growl at me twice when I went to close her crate for the night. she was already in it and this was definitely not normal behavior for her.
Bitingso typically if the result is low normal they need medication?
BitingThanks for all the info, I appreciate everyone's advice
BitingAs far as I know nothing bad has happened. She has always been friendly to everyone but I will make sure in the future to let her investigate first. She doesn't seem to be in pain when she jumps on me at all. She went to the vet today and he checked her thyroid, he thought she may have a problem and noticed the hair on her back was a little thin. So I am awaiting the results. He didn't know why she didn't go into heat so I don't know where to go with that.
Bitingyes, thanks for the helpful information. will keep you posted.
Bitingshe was not spayed because the breeder had wanted to breed her but it did not work out. I am thinking maybe we should do that now. I also just realized she never went into heat in September like she usually does and I am now wondering if this is all related somehow? I am taking her to the vet Monday.
BitingThank you for your reply. She is actually jumping up to say hello then when they pet her she growls and bites. the last incident happened when she was in the kitchen, but she was behind the gate I have and she jumped up to say hello, like she always does and then when the stranger went to pet her she growled and bit. I will try the treat idea, and talk to the vet about the thyroid panel. this is such new behavior for her, it seems like it happened overnite. also she is not spayed, do you thing that has anything to do with it?
BitingHi I have a 3 year old female basenji who has recently started to growl and bite when a stranger pets her. This is a new behavior for her and I am concerned and don't know what to do. Please help!
Second basenjiIf my older one is crate trained do I let them share and get a bigger crate or keep them separate?
LokiThat is hilarious, basenji thinking it's a cat….
Second basenjiHi, I have a female basenji who will be 2 in Jan. was wondering if anyone had any input on getting another basenji? I am just wondering how she will react and if anyone has experience with this. sometimes I feel she is lonely and would like a companion to play with. Plus who can resist a new basenji puppy.
How Does Your B Potty When Raining?Thanks for the advice!
How Does Your B Potty When Raining?Does this mean they will never be fully housebroken? Please tell me it gets better!
How Does Your B Potty When Raining?My Dexi is 5 mos old and we live in seems to have been raining since we got her. She doesn't like rain or wet grass much and will run back inside to pee on the kitchen floor. So suffice it to say our housebreaking is not going as well as I expected.. She even did this once or twice when it wasn't raining I guess she is confused now..