with my basenjis treats (something good to eat) and being leader for them in every part of life. hard to explane. Of course depending of dog. I have two basenjis and they are really different kind of, other is sensitive and other is hard kind, so we need two type of training methods.
Hi basenjipeople… -
Photos and feelings by Ansa & MiinaThanks! I have two basenjis and the last picture there is three basenjis. Only one of those three is mine. Other are my first basenjis sister and mom. They live in other home with my good friend.
Hi basenjipeople…^ Do you mean Hurtta- brand? Are they seliing that brand over there or have bought it some other country? Brand is Finnish. Luckily because of weather is awful. Our jacket is made by Janutec and Pomppa :D love boths because they fit for basenji.
Photos and feelings by Ansa & MiinaSo here is just a couple of photos… I don't know how to stop linking pics... :/
Girls enjoying sun at home island
Again Miina taking sun! my parent backyard.
A little monkey, always climbing, Miina
Ansa catching wawes…
SunBathing, Miina
Winter trip to other island front of Helsinki, with puppy Ansa
Again same place with Ansa
Puppy Ansa: "I know I'm beuty"
Different island but same puppy Ansa
"I'm big enough!"
Flying basenji…
Ansa with she's sister Bea and mother Pinja. -
Men in BlackCongratulations! Enjoy the smell of basenji pups… they are lovely <3
Hi basenjipeople…Thanks for everybody wishing me and girls over here :)
Your dogs are (of course) looking just lovely basenjis, great pictures and situations (basenji have just a great sense of humor in different situations). in Finland we have worst winter ever. There is not snow at all, just rain, rain and rain…and DARK! Last two winters have been so much better, picture with the jacket is last winter when we almost drown in the snow. Winter is also been bad and we have had some storms this winter. We are also living in small island front of Helsinki, so it means even more wind. Okey, that's about weather :DI don't know how many people here is from Finland, but here is link for the Finnish Basenji sites: www.basenji.fi
Hi basenjipeople…Girls doesn't like jackets too much, me eather actually, but sometimes when -30 degrees long time and dogs need something to waste energy… Then the jacket is only way go out a bit longer time. And girls has already get use to jackets. Otherwise girls are not like water or cold too much. I guess they have get use to weather too. Winter is long here :(
Photos and feelings by Ansa & MiinaHi, do you know how to put photos in the text? Having some promlems to find how and having too bog resolution photos or something why software is not loadin all my photos.. :/
Photos and feelings by Ansa & MiinaJust some photos of Ansa and Miina :D
Hi basenjipeople…Hi you all!
I live with my husband and two female basenjis in Helsinki Finland. Our two adorable girls are Ansa (Dakarai Byzance Pearl) 3 years old and Miina (Dakarai Don't You Know me) 2 years old. Girls are my first very own dogs :) Basenji have became the breed that I really feel my own one. Life with basenji have been the kind I thought and even better. Weather over here is not always the best for the basenji, but we have found the way to survive (see the picture). We love long walks and girls love to hunt everything witch is moving and of course electric bunny at race.
Nice to be here. (Sorry my english :-S)