Thank you all for the info and comments. I have tried to start some of them. I have been playing alot more outside with him and also making the crate a "good" place. any time he does something good or gets a treat it goes in the crate. ive also pulled the crate out of the bathroom while we are home so that he can explore and realize it is always out besides just when he has to go inside when we leave. he has done ALOT better. no chewing on the crate and only a little bit of pee. things are getting better… thank goodness!!!

Very bad behavior -
Very bad behaviorno he will be 5 in dec, Dec 16th… so almost 5 years we have dealt with the crate issue. I havent been to this site in a long time so none of my info had been update... that info was from 2006. sorry
Very bad behaviorno he peeid and was a bit destructive but it has gotten really bad in the last few months. its like he gets mad that we leave him. before i could just talk to him and tell him i would be back soon and he wouldnt pee. now it doesnt matter what i say he bites the cage door and growls at me. and i am the one who always puts him up bc my husband is gone by that time. so i put him up in the morning, let him out on lunch put him back up then my husband lets him out in the afternoon.
Very bad behaviorthanks i really appreciate it. I am going to get new treats and start working with him more. show him more attention. try to get up and play with him outside in mornings to calm him down… we will see how it goes. In the mean time any other comments or suggestions would be wonderful!!! i appreciate everyone who has commented so far!
Very bad behaviorwell sept is time for check up so i guess i will get that in the works…. i have to put a muzzle on him at the vet bc he doesnt know them well enough. i love him and his personality to death but i just want to cry!
Very bad behaviorhe has been trained and never makes a mess in the house until he is shut out of something or a room that he wants to be involved in. one time we had the door shut for some adult private time and he whined and cried then pooped outside of the door….
Very bad behaviorwell if i leave him in kitchen he will still pee on floor bc he gets mad (i think) when we leave. i dont want to put gate up bc he would chew thru it or jump it. last time he was out and about in the house he was fine in am, bc he slept very lazy in morning! but in the afternoon he ate every wire behind my computer and the refrigerator!! i havent been walking him in the morning bc i am tired from working 7 am to 10 pm the day before but i guess i need to quit being lazy and go for about 30 minutes or so… just to give him more time! he plays hard when he is outside... we chase each other and he does the B 500 over and over and over again. But never in the am. I also use the medium blue and white crate with all the c- clamps and vice grips on it bc he breaks it apart. the one he had yesterday now has and softball size hole where he chewed the break the clip on the side.
Very bad behaviorlike i said we have only been there for 2 weeks and i work excess of 64 hours a week. I have walked around it but see no where for him to get out. from what i can tell the fence is buried… he was getting out of the gate until we bunjee corded that together so he cant wiggle and push his way thru. if we are out there he is fine but as soon as he cant see us walking past the windows, he is gone. I am off this weekend so hopefully we can get it fixed but just didnt know if any one has ever had these problems. someone also told me to get a natural drop called relief remedy for pets to have a calming effect for anxiety. would anything like that work? he is so finnicky about things wasnt sure i could give him something like that?
Very bad behaviordog bac? I so meant dog house!! im just really upset, got back from lunch late bc trying to deal with him… 2 days in a row now... getting a little tiresome!
Very bad behaviorI wish i could… but he is a little Houdini!!! We have only been in our new house for 2 weeks and he keeps finding a way into the old ladys yard next door. and with strangers that try to approach him he is not so nice. if he smells you first and gets to know you then it is ok. but i dont want him to bite anyone. right now we are talking about going to get a big metal cage/kennel type thing with a dog bac for the backyard and then let him out when we are home.
Very bad behaviormy husband is home in the evenings while i am at work so he doesnt get put in the crate again until the next day.
Very bad behaviorYes!! we had him in a big crate but he would poop and pee in it then lay in it… so on my lunch i would have to give him a bath. we cant even put anything in the crate bc he destroys it! we put him in an enclosed crate big enough for 2 dogs but not enough room for him the use the bathroom in. he gets treats each time, ones that he loves! he is in there the same time every day... 5 hours in am then i come home on lunch to let him out for 30 mins then back in the crate for 3 1/2 to 4 hours. then out for the rest of the night. I work two jobs and just moved so I have got to walk him much but in exchange for walks he now has a fenced in back yard (huge) to run it and we play with him in the evening. the only thing different from the old house to the new is he was in the kitchen with the door closed and now he is in the bathroom with them door closed (bc he gets out) and that is the only place we have to contain him without ruining my floor... which is doing anyways bc he keeps peeing!!! Im at my wits end. he jumps up and trys to bite me, which he has never done. he growls so bad that it scares me. when i close the create do he is biting the door the whole time. no sooner than he thinks i have walked out the door he goes crazy trying to get out of the crate!!
Very bad behaviorI have no idea what to do. my husband and i love our dog but he is too much and he is threatening to get rid of him. We just moved so I am sure that has something to do with it. But we have to crate him while we are gone. he hates and it runs when we say "Buddi crate". He screams and barks and crys while he is in there. He also chews the crate apart. Right now we have 4 C-claps and 2 vice grips to keep him in ONE crate, it is ridiculous! He lays on his back and kicks the ceiling of the crate until it busts apart. He pees out the door which ruins my floor and if he does get out he destroys the bathroom. He shreds toilet paper and enay towels that may be in his reach then poops in them. I have had him for 5 years and have had to clean up after him on my lunch and after work almost every day that we have had him! I am desperate because if I dont find a way to work with the dog he will become an outside dog or gone from our lives…. PLEASE HELP!!! I bet i have spent over a $100 in crates the past month... now another one destroyed today.
My Basenji was "that dog" todayI used to say my dog was aggressive until I read this thread…
Now I say it is more of a defensive mechanism for Buddi.
Buddi doesn't like anyone or anything to approach him. He wants to smell and get to know them or it first. If someone new comes into the house I tell them not to acknowledge Buddi at first and then once he has finished getting to know them he will walk away. After that he is fine. But if someone walks in and puts their hand towards him he instantly turns into a very loud and shows aggressive behavior like he is going to attack. The theory has worked very well to date. With dogs it is a little different. He also doesnt like small dogs. The ones close to his size or larger we have never had a problem. Should I handle the situations in a different manner? Also he doesnt go to a doggie spa or day care so we make sure to go to the park and keep him socialized with dogs there and ones that he knows. We also have friends with young kids and he loves them. Has never growled or snipped at them. He LOVES to play!!!! -
New B Owner from NJWelcome, hope this site gives you as much good advice as it has me in just 2 weeks!!
Was that a grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!Buddi doesnt like when I get him out on my lunch and then put him in the crate. He growls until i no longer touching the crate. If i talk to him or acknowledge his growling he does it louder and more angry than before. So I ignore the behavior and then if he is good the next time he gets a treat.
Winter sweaters and coatsI got a sweater for Buddi at WalMart and the med fits perfect although a little too short… the large would have been long and baggy around the chest. Other than that he likes that it keeps him warm but it took forever for him to get used to it. He acted like he couldn't jump and would crawl up on the couch. It was quite funny!!
Where does your B sleep?At about 9 each night you can find buddi in bed, patiently waiting for someone to lift the covers so he can curl up for the night. He loves sleeping in the bend of my knees or between Brian's legs with his head laying on his stomach. It gets on Brian's nerves becayuse he can't move or it will get Buddi up and moving around. The things we do for our beloved Basenji's…:p
What does your Basenji do when he needs to go out?Buddi will sit by the door and if I do not pay attention fast enough, he will trot passed me and then back to the door.
First Time B Owner - PicsVery beautiful baby!!! They are soo adorable… makes me want another one!! : )