I can't even imagine my life without a basenji or two, or three…..

"Warning" about Bs -
Pictures - Nexa and Leoawwww those are soooo cute! The one on the left looks a little like my Talker. I love the one of them curled up sleeping.
Sunny afternoon series..awwww those are beautiful pictures–all of them and I especially love the last one with the yawn and the curious look on the b's face. I can't believe they don't tear up that nice furry comfty rug they are on. Love the pixs.
SOCAL get-together!Hey everyone and happy new year. I just wanted to mention that I saw a Meetup posting for Basenji to meet in Laurel Canyon. It just reminded me about trying to get out there again with Savannah. Hope everyone is well and I hope to try to drag her out there–she really doesn't seem to enjoy the whole experience but I love seeing you all and your pups. I'm sure Savannah won't mind tolerating the experience for me.
New Puppy, Lucy, Basenji?She is a cutie pie….looks mostly shep to me. Would you like to do one of those DNA test to be sure?
The Wall of PeaceOkay, I swear I didn't set this up but I just cracked up when I saw these two. This morning when they went on their walk, they came across the dog that barks at them thru their wooden fence. Usually nothing happens when we pass by but this morning Talker jumped on Savannah and wouldn't get off of her. When he's done this before, he'll just snap at her and I pull him away, but this time it was twice that he went after her. He got a scolding for his behavior.
Well we got home and I started making my candles. Well I took a break and walked pass Quinn's room and here they were with this pillow that somehow got propped up between them.
New coatThose are really nice. I love their selection. Very cool looking! thanks for sharing the link.
SOCAL get-together!That's wonderful! I can't wait to see the pixs. You have my email address so please send them. I'd love to see her.
BTW, So Cal 'senji owners I'm planning a June 7th play date at my house in Pasadena. It's a Saturday and it will be at 4:00 p.m. I figure the late afternoon would be nicer than the hot hot weather we had last time. Let me know if anyone is interested and somehow I'll get my address to you.
There use to be a private email messaging capability on this forum but I don't know what happened to it. :confused: Anyhoo, I'll try to get the info to you.
SOCAL get-together!This photo cracks me up….two basenjis playing with a ball.
SOCAL get-together!Here's some pixs in my photo bucket of our play date. I hope the link works. I always have trouble posting pixs on the board.
SOCAL get-together!Just a quick thank you to Denise (Seti) and Brian (Garrett) who showed up for out Pasadena Basenji Play date. It was hot and I appreciate you both making the trip in this hot weather. It was really fun and I enjoyed the afternoon. The dogs all got along great and as soon as I can, I'll post some pixs of the afternoon. I wish the weather would have been cooler. It was better when we finally decided to move the human party under the tree. Seti and Talker finally did do some playing late afternoon and it was a highlight. Garrett you're chair is always available for you for your nap.
Thanks all!
Wilys accidentStill sending pawsitive thoughts to Wiley on his procedure. I pray it's good news.
Trixie's Daddy And The Dog ParkIt's wonderful seeing a basenji run. They are usually the smallest in the big dog parks but they sure can keep up. When I use to take Talker to a make shift dog park (four enclosed baseball fields) he would run with a border collie. The border collie would always be chasing Talker and the humans were always amazed at his speed and how he was never panting while the border collie would be panting up a storm. It was wonderful to see him stretched out in a full run.
Trixie's Daddy should be proud at his girl and so should you.
Ruff Wears New 2008 Harness PicsIs it easy to put on? It looks like there are three snaps (buckles?). Does it go over the head? What about size? What size did you get your pup? It looks like it gives room for good adjustments around the waist.
I would probably use it for a seat harness but I'm wondering if it's hard to get on and off them. Usually when I have Talker strapped in with his harness, when I take him out of car, I put his regular walking leash on. He steps out of harness pretty easily. He has the one that has the fake fur around the straps and I'm always wondering if that's too hot.
Is the one that you have light weight? breathable mesh?
Very interested in your responses. Thanks for sharing.
Wilys accidentEvery time I read about this it just makes me cry. Chad I hope you track the Dogwalker down.
I'm putting my faith in the stem cell therapy and hope it's approved soon.
Big hugsLaura
Photographing the UNBELIEVABLE a whole new meaning to basenjis and catsEither he's dawg tired or he's one gentle senji. Cute pixs!
SOCAL get-together!BTW, I was told that the LA Ink episode where the Basenji owner who goes to Laurel Canyon aired last night. Did anyone catch it??
Basenji TVI'm trying to verify if the owner of the basenji who got his pups paws tattoo on LA Ink air yet? I was told that it did on 2/5/08. I missed it.
Anyone know or watched the show?
This is one of the owners who meets up with the Laurel Canyon Basenji Dog Group.
We're Basenji-sitting!I suspect he should be feeling very comfortable in a few days and will start playing (if he's the playing type) with your other dogs. Unless he's not use to being around other dogs. I would just keep your eye on him to make sure he doesn't get into any trouble.
For those that sleep in the bedWe bought a Cal King for more room and we only have 2 basenjis! Talker usually stays on the couch and comes in bed early morning. That happens during the warm seasons. Now that winter is here, he's been coming to bed early and wants to sleep right next to me. He use to sleep at the end of the bed but now he's next to me.
Savannah always sleeps in between my husband and I. She calls that the No. 1 position.