Hi, thanks for your responses. To answer a couple of your questions, Pat is neutered. I am hoping that a Vet at the Royal Vet College who has specialised in behavioural problems, would be qualified to help with these issues. Are there any other symptoms of a Thyroid problem - the Vet didn't mention that this could be a cause of his behaviour and didn't mention any blood tests. I had a cat once who had a thyroid problem but he just got very thin - not nasty! Pat certainly isn't losing any weight. As to it being a dominance issue - you may well be right - but I read the bit on this forum about being the 'Alpha' in his pack and we seem to tick most of the boxes there too. He will be 2 in January.
Worried - new aggressive behaviour -
Worried - new aggressive behaviourCould do with some advice on how to handle our Pat. Since July he has become increasingly aggressive towards, and nervous of, strangers when we are out walking (hackles up and if they get too close, growling) He has now bitten 2 people - not deep puncture wounds but hard enough to bruise. Usually I keep him on a short lead away from anyone approaching but on the first occasion I missed a boy who was coming within Pat's range and he was so fast at lunging out and nipping.
The 2nd was at the dog kennel as we were just about to go on holiday (he has been there before with no problem). The girl admitting him approached to put a slip lead on him, he growled at her so she backed off and I put the lead on. She then sat down with us to try to make friends - even had some tasty sausage - but Pat just went for her - she was too close for me to even yank Pat back - again it was just a superficial bite that bruised.
We have been to the Vet and she has advised that he wear a muzzle when out (which he hates) and we are seeing a Behaviourist this week.
Since this all started up, I have noticed that he is also increasingly less tolerant of our children and even of me - he has snapped at me and my oldest son and my husband. As we have 3 children and there seems to be a constant stream of small visitors to the house, Pat is finding himself crated more and more often - not to mention that I no longer let him off the lead for free runs anymore. We have had Pat since he was 7 weeks old and he has, up until now, been great with the kids and new people - used to meet them at the school gate and he would get lots of fuss. Is this just a 'teenage' phase that he will outgrow? Any thoughts, advice, anyone been to a Behaviourist? We are seeing someone at the RVC. -
How much sleep?Pat also sleeps alot - unless he is following me around the house or on a walk! I find it amusing that he seems to have gone into 'teenage' mode and won't get up in the mornings until after we have all eaten breakfast - usually around 8!! He is pretty crafty as he knows that as soon as he gets out of bed in the morning he goes to the garden (and it isn't always sunny out there!) It is the only meal that we can have with Pat in the room and not jumping up at the table!
Walking tips for Duna.I've been following this thread with interest to see if I can apply any of your tips to Pat. My problem is mabe slightly different though and I wonder if you have any experience of what might work. Pat is not too bad when we are walking in the woods - but when we walk in the town he 'lunges' at cars, people or dogs. Obviously I need to be extremely vigilant as on a couple of occasions he has taken me by surprise and tugged the lead from my hand. I am not entirely sure what he would do if I let him get to the person either - would he just jump at them or maybe grab them (he is quite a 'mouthy' dog) Obviously I don't want to find out! Do you think the gently leader or halti would curb this behaviour? I have tried a noise distraction in the form of a small aerosol called a 'pet corrector' - it just lets off a harmless hissing sound (air) - worked a bit but seem to have to use it ALL the time. Any tips gratefully received! Thank You.
Hello from the UK!Yes he is very typical of the breed - his nickname is The Beast! His real name however comes from my son - I said he could name the Basenji when he arrived. After trying out several (Basil, Kofi amongst others) we kind of stuck with Patrick (Pat for short) - and my son liked the name after we flew to Prague and the pilot was apparently called Patrick (I don't take much notice of these things but I guess to an 11 year old pilots are exciting people!) I am enjoying this Forum and it is great to read about Basenjis and be amongst people with dogs who behave like mine does !
Hello from the UK!Hi, good to hear back from so many of you! In answer to snorky998, we had 3 Basenjis when I was growing up - and inexplicably wanted one of my very own! I'm not sure Pat had much of a say in 'choosing' us - he was chosen for us, but that was fine as all the puppies looked so gorgeous I don't think I could singled one out! I will try and post some pictures - not very 'literate' on digital cameras and computers…
Hello from the UK!I have just stumbled across your forum - always searching the internet on info about Basenjis. I have one Basenji, Patrick, who is now 18 months old. He is a tri, utterly gorgeous and adorable but an absolute rascal too - sound familiar?? I have been training him but often get frustrated with his stubborness. We live near to a beautiful woods which he loves to run in but as you can imagine - being a Basenji - only returns to me when he is good and ready - so many exciting scents to explore and all so much more interesting than 'mummy' (trust me, I have tried having the tastiest treats/noisiest toy etc to interest him in coming back) . We also have 3 'human' children who adore him and love to play - although this also has to be closely supervised as it can all get rather out of hand if we aren't careful….. I would love to hear from any other UK Basenji owners on the Forum!